Cooling System: Description and Operation
COOLING SYSTEMThe cooling system is designed to maintain engine temperature at an efficient level during all engine operating conditions. Coolant circulation is controlled by the thermostat. The thermostat remains closed until the coolant reaches operating temperature. This provides for fast engine warm up. When the engine reaches operating temperature, the thermostat opens and the coolant is circulated through the radiator to keep the engine from overheating.
The cooling system also provides a means of heating the passenger compartment and cooling the automatic transmission fluid (if equipped). The cooling system is pressurized and uses a centrifugal water pump to circulate coolant throughout the system.
The components of the cooling system are:
^ A heavy duty radiator
^ Cooling fan (mechanical)
^ Thermal viscous fan drive
^ Fan shroud
^ Radiator pressure cap
^ Thermostat
^ Coolant reserve/overflow system
^ Automatic transmission oil cooler (internal to radiator)
^ Coolant
^ Water pump
^ Coolant hoses and clamps
Coolant Circulation-2.5L Engine:
Coolant Circulation-4.0L Engine: