Drive Belt: Service and Repair
REMOVALBelt tension is adjusted at the power steering pump bracket and idler pulley assembly.
(1) Disconnect negative battery cable from battery.
Power Steering Pump Bracket And Idler Pulley:
(2) Loosen idler pulley bolt.
(3) Loosen tension adjusting bolt and remove accessory drive belt.
(1) Check condition of all pulleys.
CAUTION: When installing the serpentine accessory drive belt, the belt MUST be routed correctly. If not, the engine may overheat due to the water pump rotating in the wrong direction.
(2) Install new belt. Install belt tension gauge C-4162 and tighten adjustment bolt until belt tension is within specification range.
(3) Tighten idler pulley bolt and re-check belt tension. Adjust if necessary.