Cleaning and Inspection
Clean the cylinder and pistons with clean brake fluid or brake cleaner only. Do not use any other cleaning agents.
Dry the cylinder and pistons with compressed air. Do not use rags or shop towels to dry the cylinder components. Lint from cloth material will adhere to the cylinder bores and pistons.
Inspect the cylinder bore. Light discoloration and dark stains in the bore are normal and will not impair cylinder operation.
The cylinder bore can be lightly polished but only with crocus cloth. Replace the cylinder if the bore is scored, pitted or heavily corroded. Honing the bore to restore the surface is not recommended.
Inspect the cylinder pistons. The piston surfaces should be smooth and free of scratches, scoring and corrosion. Replace the pistons if worn, scored, or corroded. Do attempt to restore the surface by sanding or polishing.
Discard the old piston cups and the spring and expander. These parts are not reusable. The original dust boots may be reused but only if they are in good condition.