DISASSEMBLYNOTE: If the transmission is being reconditioned (clutch/seal replacement) or replaced, it is necessary to perform the Quick Learn Procedure using the scan tool.
NOTE: Tag all clutch pack assemblies, as they are removed, for reassembly identification.
CAUTION: Do not intermix clutch discs or plates as the unit might then fail.
Before disassembling transmission, move the shift lever clockwise as far as it will go and then remove the shift lever.
1. Remove the torque converter (1) from the transmission input shaft (3).
2. Measure input shaft end play using End Play Set 8266 (1, 2). Set up the required items from End Play Set 8266 and a dial indicator as shown.
3. Move input shaft in and out to obtain end play reading. End play specifications are 0.127 to 0.635 mm (0.005 to 0.025 inch). Record indicator reading for reference when reassembling the transmission. If end play exceeds the specified range, the #4 thrust plate needs to be inspected and changed if necessary.
NOTE: The four bolts (3) along the bottom of the adapter or extension housing (2) have a sealing patch applied from the factory. Note the locations of these bolts and separate these bolts for reuse.
4. Remove the bolts that hold the adapter or extension housing (2) onto the transmission case.
5. Remove the adapter (2) housing, 4X4 vehicles only, from the transmission case. There are two pry slots located near the bottom corners of the housing for separating the housing from the transmission case.
6. Remove the extension (2) housing, 4X2 vehicles only, from the transmission case. There are two pry slots located near the bottom corners of the housing for separating the housing from the transmission case.
7. Inspect the lube tube grommet (3) for damage. If the grommet lip is damaged, it will need to be replaced.
8. On 4x2 transmissions, perform the following if necessary:
a. Remove the extension shaft bearing snap ring (3) from the extension housing.
b. Remove the extension shaft and bearing assembly (2) from the extension housing (1).
c. Remove the extension shaft bearing retaining ring (3) from the extension shaft (1).
d. Remove the extension shaft bearing (2) from the extension shaft (1).
9. Using a Slide Hammer C-3752 (2), remove the 4X4 stub shaft (1).
10. Remove the 4X4 stub shaft (1) from the transmission output shaft. Inspect the cir-clip on the shaft for damage and replace the clip if necessary.
NOTE: The speed sensor bolts have a sealing patch applied from the factory. Separate these bolts for reuse.
11. Remove the input speed sensor bolt.
NOTE: The speed sensor bolts have a sealing patch applied from the factory. Separate these bolts for reuse.
12. Remove the output speed sensor bolt.
13. Remove the input and output (2) speed sensors. Identify the speed sensors for re-installation since they are not interchangeable.
NOTE: One of the oil pan bolts has a sealing patch applied from the factory. Separate this bolt for reuse.
14. Remove the transmission oil pan bolts (2).
15. Remove the transmission oil pan (1).
16. Remove the transmission oil filter screws (2).
17. Remove transmission oil filter (1).
18. Remove the oil filter O-ring (2) from the valve body
19. Remove valve body-to-case bolts (1).
CAUTION: Do not handle the valve body by the manual shaft. Damage could result.
20. Remove valve body (1) from transmission.
21. Remove underdrive and overdrive accumulators (1, 2).
22. Remove the low/reverse accumulator snap ring (1) -
23. Remove the low/reverse accumulator plug (2).
24. Remove low/reverse accumulator piston (1) using suitable pliers.
25. Remove piston (1) and springs (2).
26. Remove and discard the oil pump-to-case bolts (1). The oil pump bolts are not to be reused.
27. Remove oil pump using Slide Hammers C-3752 (2).
28. Remove oil pump while pushing in on input shaft (1).
29. Remove oil pump gasket (2).
CAUTION: By-pass valve must be replaced if transmission failure occurs.
30. Remove the cooler by-pass valve (1).
31. Remove the #1 caged needle bearing (1).
32. Remove the input clutch assembly (1).
33. Remove the #4 thrust plate (2).
34. Remove the front sun gear assembly (1) and #4 thrust washer (if still in place).
35. Remove the front carrier/rear annulus (2) and #6 needle bearing (1).
36. Remove the rear sun gear (2) and #7 needle bearing (1).
NOTE: The number seven needle bearing (1) has three anti-reversal tabs and is common with the number five and number two position. The orientation should allow the bearing to seat flat against the rear sun gear. A small amount of petrolatum can be used to hold the bearing to the rear sun gear.
NOTE: Verify that Compressor 5058A (1) is centered properly over the 2/4 clutch retainer (4) before compressing. If necessary, fasten the Compressor 5058A bar to the bellhousing flange with any combination of locking pliers and bolts to center the tool properly.
37. Install and load Compressor 5058A to remove the 2/4 clutch retainer snap ring (3).
NOTE: The 2/4 Clutch Piston has bonded seals which are not individually serviceable. Seal replacement requires replacement of the piston assembly.
38. Remove the 2/4 clutch retainer (1).
39. Remove the 2/4 clutch return spring (1).
40. Remove the 2/4 clutch pack (1, 2).
41. Remove the tapered snap ring (4).
42. Remove the low/reverse reaction plate (1).
43. Remove one (1) low/reverse clutch disc to facilitate snap ring removal.
44. Remove the low/reverse reaction plate snap ring (2).
45. Remove the low/reverse clutch pack (1, 2).
CAUTION: Failure to grind and open stakes (4) of the output shaft nut will result in thread damage to the shaft during nut removal.
WARNING: Wear safety goggles while grinding stake nuts.
46. Using a die grinder or equivalent, grind the stakes in the shoulder of the shaft nut (2) as shown. Do not grind all the way through the nut and into the shaft. There are two stakes on each nut.
47. Using a small chisel (1), carefully open the stakes on nut (2).
48. Use Wrench 6497 (1) and Wrench 6498A (2) to remove the output shaft nut.
49. Remove the output shaft (1) from case (3) using a shop press (2).
50. Use Remover 6596 (2) with a shop press (1) to remove the front output shaft bearing cup.
51. Use Disc 6597 (2) and Universal Handle C-4171 (1) and Handle Extension C-4171-2 to press the rear output shaft bearing cup rearward.
52. Remove the rear carrier front bearing cone (3).
53. Install and load Compressor 5059A (4), Compressor 5058A (3), and Disc 6057 (5) as shown.
54. Remove the low/reverse belleville spring snap ring (1)
55. Remove the low/reverse piston belleville spring (1)
56. Remove the park sprag pivot retaining screw.
57. Drive out the anchor shaft using suitable punch (1).
58. Remove the guide bracket pivot pin (1). Inspect all components for wear and replace if necessary.
NOTE: The Low/Reverse Clutch Piston has bonded seals which are not individually serviceable. Seal replacement requires replacement of the piston assembly.
59. Remove the low/reverse clutch piston (1).
60. Remove the low/reverse piston retainer screws.
61. Remove low/reverse piston retainer (1).
62. Remove the low/reverse piston retainer gasket (2).