Clutch: Service and Repair
1. Verify fluid level in brake master cylinder. Top off with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary. Leave cap off.
2. Raise vehicle on hoist.
3. Remove bleed port protective cap and install suitable size and length of clear hose (4) to monitor and divert fluid into suitable container.
4. Open up the bleed circuit by turning the thumb screw (3) counter clockwise this will start the air purge and fluid fill process.
5. Lower vehicle, but only enough to gain access to and fill the brake master cylinder.
NOTE: Do not allow clutch master cylinder to run dry while fluid exits bleed port.
6. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level while air is purged and fluid drains from bleed port. Continue this until no air bubbles are seen and a solid column of fluid exists.
7. Close hydraulic bleed circuit, remove drain hose and replace dust cap on bleed port.
8. From driver's seat, actuate clutch pedal 60-100 times.
9. Apply parking brake. Start engine and verify clutch operation and pedal feel. If pedal feels fine and clutch operates as designed, stop here. If pedal still feels spongy or clutch does not fully disengage, excessive air is still trapped within the system, most likely at the master cylinder.
10. Top off brake master cylinder fluid level with DOT 3 brake fluid as necessary.
1. Remove reservoir cap and connect bleeder cap to reservoir.
NOTE: Use Bleeder Cap/Modified reservoir cap adapter Snap-on #901-059 or equivalent.
2. Connect service filling machine to bleeder cap.
NOTE: Use Service Filling Machine/Brake power bleeder Brake power bleeder or equivalent.
3. Service filling machine should be pressurized to at least 2.5 bar (36 PSI).
4. Remove dust cap from bleeder valve and connect the transparent bleeder hose to bleeder valve.
5. Place the other end of hose in the bleeder container to capture the used fluid. The end of the hose MUST be submerged in the DOT 3 brake fluid.
NOTE: Use Bleeder Container To capture hydraulic fluid and Transparent Bleeder Hose To route fluid to container.
6. Turn on the service filling machine.
7. Crack open the bleeder valve (3).
8. Allow fluid to flow out of bleed port until no more air bubbles can be seen in the transparent bleeder hose.
9. Once fluid is free of air bubbles; make 15 quick actuations between clutch pedal stop positions.
10. Close the bleeder valve and disconnect the service filling machine.
11. To remove remaining air, actuate pedal 10 times slowly between pedal stop positions.
12. Check clutch pedal to see if vehicle is properly bled.
13. If vehicle is not properly bled, repeat procedure.
14. Remove bleeder cap from reservoir and replace reservoir cap.
15. Disconnect transparent bleeder hose from bleeder valve and replace dust cap.