Crankshaft Main Bearing
CRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGInstall the bedplate retaining bolts, making sure to place the stud bolts in the correct location, Tighten the bolts in the sequence shown.
Hand tighten bolts 1D,1G and 1F until the bedplate contacts the block.
Tighten bolts 1A - 1J 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.)
Tighten bolts 1 - 8 7 Nm (5 ft. lbs.)
Turn bolts 1 - 8 an additional 90°.
Tighten bolts A - E 27 Nm ( 20 ft. lbs.).
Bearing Clearance 0.002 - 0.046 mm (0.00008 - 0.0018 in.)
Bearing Clearance 0.006 - 0.044 (0.0002 - 0.0011 in.)