Engine: Service and Repair
NOTE: On models equipped with airbag system, refer to Technician Safety Information for system disarming and arming procedures.1. Release fuel system pressure as outlined under Technician Safety Information.
2. Remove windshield washer hose from hood.
3. Remove four hood mounting bolts and the hood.
4. Disconnect battery ground cable.
5. Remove fresh air duct mounting bolts on radiator.
6. Loosen fresh air duct clamp at air intake housing.
7. Disconnect hose at resonance chamber.
8. Remove fresh air duct.
9. Remove three accelerator cable and air intake hose mounting bolts from cylinder head cover.
10. Disconnect accelerator cable by pulling back on throttle shaft, then place it aside.
11. Remove air hose, ISC air hose, breather hose and vacuum line from air intake hose.
12. Disconnect mass air flow (MAF) sensor connector by pushing on wire clip.
13. Remove air hose mounting bolt from air intake housing.
14. Loosen air intake hose clamps at throttle body and air intake housing.
15. Remove air intake hose.
Fig. 5 Air Intake Assembly:
16. Remove ISC air hose, Fig. 5, from idle speed actuator.
17. Remove air hose from behind intake manifold.
18. Remove radiator cap.
19. Loosen radiator drain plug and drain engine coolant into suitable container.
20. Tighten radiator drain plug.
21. Loosen upper radiator hose clamps.
22. Remove upper radiator hose.
23. Remove four thermo modulated fan nuts.
24. Remove five cooling fan shroud bolts.
25. Remove thermo modulated fan and cooling fan shroud as an assembly.
26. Loosen alternator mounting bolts.
27. Remove alternator drive belt from alternator by loosening adjusting bolt.
28. Loosen A/C idler pulley nut.
29. Remove A/C drive belt by loosening adjusting bolt.
30. Remove alternator drive belt.
31. Remove fan pulley.
32. Remove two A/C tensioner mounting bolts and A/C tensioner bracket.
33. Loosen power steering pump lock bolt and mounting bolt.
34. Remove power steering drive belt.
35. Disconnect ignition coil electrical connections.
36. Disconnect electrical connections for fuel injection at back of cylinder head.
37. Disconnect oxygen sensor electrical connector.
38. Remove oxygen sensor wire from clip on cylinder head cover.
39. Disconnect electrical connector from throttle position sensor.
40. Disconnect ISC electrical connector by pulling wire clip out.
41. Disconnect electrical connector from alternator B and S terminals.
Fig. 6 Engine Electrical Connector & Hose Locations:
42. Remove heater hose from elbow, Fig. 6.
43. Remove brake booster vacuum hose from surge tank.
44. Remove cruise control vacuum hose from surge tank.
45. Remove wire harness from two clips at back of cylinder head and position aside.
46. Remove purge control solenoid valve vacuum hose from intake manifold.
47. Disconnect electrical connector from EGR vacuum solenoid valve on intake manifold.
48. Remove fuel hose from fuel connector assembly.
49. Remove single bottom bolt from ISC mounting bracket to remove ground bracket.
50. Remove vacuum hoses from top of evaporative emission canister by sliding it up out of holder.
51. Remove A/C compressor mounting bolts and position compressor aside.
52. Remove power steering pump lock bolt and mounting bolt, then position pump away from engine.
53. Remove undercover mounting bolts and the undercover.
54. Remove lower radiator hose.
55. Remove coolant overflow hose from radiator.
56. Remove four radiator mounting bolts and the radiator.
57. Remove intake manifold bracket bolts and the bracket.
58. Remove starter.
59. Remove water bypass hose from water bypass pipe.
60. Remove fuel hose from fuel pipe.
61. Remove exhaust protector.
62. Remove lower flange lock nuts.
63. Remove front exhaust bracket bolt and lower exhaust down.
64. Remove exhaust gasket.
65. Remove exhaust bracket-to-bell housing mounting bolts and bracket.
66. Remove right gusset plate-to-bell housing mounting bolts and gusset plate.
67. Remove eight remaining bell housing to engine bolts.
68. Support transmission bellhousing from underneath.
69. Attach engine hoist to engine.
70. Remove engine mounts as outlined under Engine Mounts.
71. Slowly remove engine from vehicle.
72. Remove clutch cover, clutch disc and flywheel.
73. Remove two end plate mounting bolts and end plate.
74. Check for roughness in pilot bearing.
75. If necessary, remove pilot bearing using suitable bearing removal tool.
76. Install engine to engine stand.
77. Unhook engine hoist from engine hangers.
78. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Tighten end plate mounting bolts to specifications.
b. Tighten engine mount support bolts to specifications.
c. Tighten starter bolts to specifications.
d. Tighten intake manifold bracket mounting bolts to specifications.
e. Tighten transmission bellhousing to engine bolts to specifications.
f. Tighten front exhaust bracket bolt to specifications.
g. Tighten exhaust protector nuts to specifications.
h. Tighten radiator mounting bolts to specifications.
i. Tighten A/C idler pulley lock nut to specifications.
j. Tighten power steering pump bolts to specifications.
k. Tighten engine undercover bolts to specifications.
l. Tighten thermo modulated fan nuts to specifications.
m. Tighten cooling fan shroud bolts to specifications.
79. On models equipped with airbag system, refer to Technician Safety Information for system disarming and arming procedures.