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Recall SC059 - Fuel Tank Inspection

Model: Sportage

Group: Fuel System(14)

Number: KT2006050901

Date: Thursday, May 11, 2006

Area: N. America

Service Campaign:
1996-2002 Sportage Fuel
Tank Inspection (SC059)


This bulletin provides information related to a service campaign to inspect the fuel tank on certain 1996 - 2002 Sportage models. This service campaign is in response to an inquiry by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) involving possible fuel leakage, mainly in older Sportages.

To determine if certain external corrosion or other leakage problems exist in 1996 - 2002 Sportage vehicles, owners of selected, possibly affected Sportages in the Eastern, Central and Southern regions are being notified to bring their vehicle to a Kia dealer for inspection of the fuel tank. As part of this inspection, an inspection sheet must be filled out and returned to KMA for each affected vehicle inspected. (See sample inspection sheet on the last page of this TSB. Once the copies provided have been used you may download the inspection sheet from KGIS, it will be an attachment at the bottom of KGIS screen for Campaign 059)

Vehicles Affected

Selected 1996-2002 MY Sportage models.

Parts Information

To improve customer satisfaction always remember to refer to the Warranty Coverage Validations Inquiry screen on your Kia Standard System (KSS) Dealer Menu for a list of additional campaigns that may need to be performed on the vehicle before returning it to the customer.

Service Procedure

Use the procedures in this bulletin to inspect possibly affected vehicles and complete the inspection sheet, then fax to Kia Motors.


^ The inspection sheet must be completed and returned to KMA before claim for inspection will be accepted. If a fuel tank or other part needs to be replaced, it must be inspected after repair by your DPSM to validate the repair claim.

^ Stock of the fuel tanks may be temporarily restricted to ensure adequate inventory.

Fuel vapors are flammable. Death or serious injury could result if they are ignited. Make sure there are no open flames or smoking in the area of the repair. Adequate ventilation is necessary to prevent a buildup of fumes which could ignite, causing fire or explosion.

Please follow these instructions precisely in carrying out the inspections:

^ Fill out the vehicle identification portion of your inspection form.

^ Note that this is a purely visual inspection; except as indicated below, no disassembly of any part should be conducted.

Location "A" on Inspection Sheet:

Lift up the right rear seat cushion and raise the carpet access section. Loosen and remove the four (4) screws holding the fuel pump cover plate and move plate to the side to obtain access to the area below. Inspect the fuel sending unit area which can be observed through the opening.

1. Look for any of the following conditions and note results on the inspection sheet in Location A":

A. Displaced or deteriorated hoses or lines

B. Cracked or split plastic lines/fittings on the fuel sending unit

C. Corrosion in the screws which hold the fuel sending unit retaining ring in place such that fuel is leaking past the screw heads

D. Corrosion to fuel sending unit top plate

2. Place vehicle on a lift and raise. Inspect the bottom and sides of the fuel tank and related parts as follows:

Note any impact or abrasive damage to the protective shield in Location A" on the inspection sheet.

3. Support the rear of the fuel tank with a jack stand as shown.

4. Loosen and remove the two bolts that secure the rear of the fuel tank to the frame.

5. Loosen and remove the bolt and nut that secure the rear of the protective shield to the fuel tank.

6. Lower the rear of the shield by gently bending it down just enough to obtain visual access to the entire bottom of the tank.

7. Check the lower and upper halves of the tank for impact damage, including dents and abrasions.

8. Note any such damage on the form in location

Location B" On Inspection Sheet:

9. Inspect the inside of the protective shield and note if there is an aluminum coated glass-wool insulation pad held in place by spread clips (5); note presence or absence of pad on Inspection Sheet in Location B".

10. Check for disruptions to the integrity of the under body coating on the bottom half of the tank.

11. Note such disruptions on the Inspection Sheet in Location B" and identify any apparent cause of the coating disruption. Identify whether corrosion is present on the fuel tank and provide a rating for the corrosion level:

A. Corrosion of protective shield's tabs (securing insulator to shield) transferred to tank coating; no disruption

B. Surface; can be mostly wiped away with a cloth

C. Superficial; some limited change in the metal surface layer only

D. Moderate; rust alteration to the metal but no rusting through

E. Deep corrosion; corroded area may be damp but no indication of fuel escape. Indicate if you can smell fuel

F. No hole apparent, but fuel is visible

G. Hole visible

Location C" on Inspection Sheet:

12. Check the seam between the upper and lower halves of the fuel tank for loss of integrity and presence of fuel. If indications of fuel are present, identify apparent cause, such as; cracked or broken weld, impact damage, corrosion, etc., and record on Inspection Sheet

If you identify fuel leakage anywhere on the tank or the fuel pump / sending unit cover, or if conditions E, F or G as described (deep corrosion, fuel visible, hole and/or perforation present) are encountered, the appropriate parts must be replaced per instructions on KGIS or in the Service Manual. Contact your DPSM for further warranty claim instructions as required.

13. If no leakage is found, verify the Inspection Sheet is completely filled out. Carefully raise the rear of the protective shield back up to the tank again, and secure to tank with bolt and nut, torque to 18.5 lbs-ft. (25 Nm).

14. Install two bolts securing rear of fuel tank and shield to frame. Tighten and torque to 31-39 lbs4t. (42-52 Nm). Remove jack stand from fuel tank assembly, and lower vehicle.

15. Inside the vehicle, reinstall the fuel pump unit cover plate, install and tighten 4 screws. Reposition carpet access section and lower seat cushion.

Any parts which are replaced as a result of this service campaign must be held for inspection and photographing by your DPSM. Claims within this campaign will not be paid unless the parts are held and replacement conditions are met.

Operation Code And Time

To improve customer satisfaction always remember to refer to the Warranty Coverage Validations Inquiry screen on your Kia Standard System (KSS) Dealer Menu for a list of additional campaigns that may need to be performed on the vehicle before returning it to the customer.