Hood: Service and Repair
1. Raise hood and support with prop.
2. Remove the tubing from the underside of the hood.
3. Support hood so it will not fall when hinges are removed.
NOTE: Have an assistant help remove hood.
4. Remove hinges from hood by removing two bolts.
5. Remove prop from hood.
6. Remove hood.
NOTE: Have an assistant help install hood.
1. Install in reverse order of removal.
2. Tighten four hinge bolts to just over finger-tight.
3. Lower and lock the hood.
4. Check fit and adjust as required in accordance with illustrated specifications.
Tighten latch and bolts to 19 - 25 N.m (1.9 - 2.5 kg.m, 14 - 19 lb.ft)
5. Check alignment of locking mechanism and hood striker and align required.
Tighten latch and bolts to 19 - 25 N.m (1.9 - 2.5 kg.m, 14 - 19 lb.ft)