Removal and Installation
1. Remove the lock nut from front hub.
2. Remove the upper control arm link lock bolt, spring washer and nut.
3. Remove tie rod end cotter pin and using a ball joint puller, remove tiered end from steering knuckle.
4. Mark drive shaft for identical installation position.
5. Using tool, pry the drive shaft from the differential housing.
^ Do not pull on the drive shaft; doing so will damage the boots. Be sure to use the pry bar.
6. Remove the drive shaft from the knuckle
^ Temporarily install the knuckle to the upper arm.
1. Coincide the joining mark between the drive shaft and the differential and insert the shaft.
^ Insert the drive shaft(RH side) carefully into the oil seal to avoid any damage.
2. Install the knuckle assembly and tighten.
1. Tie-rod ball joint
Tightening torque: 70 - 80 Nm (7.0 - 8.0 kg-m, 51 - 57 ft. lbs.)
2. Upper arm link lock bolt
Tightening torque: 44 - 55 Nm (4.4 - 5.5 kg-m, 32 - 39 ft. lbs.)
3. Tighten the lock nut and then caulk the flange of lock nut on the end of drive shaft.
Tightening torque: 245 - 275 Nm (24.5 - 27.5 Kg-m 177 - 198 ft. lbs.)
4. Install wheel and tire.