Vehicle - Recreational Towing Requirements
Model: All ModelGroup: General Information (10)
Number: KT2007091901
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Area: N. America
(General - 018)
This bulletin provides requirements or towing Kia vehicles with all four wheels on the ground. This method of towing is most often used to a tow Kia vehicle behind a recreational vehicle. See restrictions in the table above.
Manual Transaxle Equipped 2WD Kia Vehicle Towing Requirements:
Confirm that the "recreational" tow vehicle has sufficient capacity to tow a Kia vehicle.
Any Kia 2WD vehicle equipped with a manual transaxle may be towed with all four wheels on he ground behind another vehicle such as a Recreational Vehicle (RV), as long as the following conditions are met:
1. Transaxle oil is at the recommended level.
2. Transaxle is in correct working order.
3. Parking brake is released.
4. Gearshift is in NEUTRAL.
5. Steering wheel is UNLOCKED with the key in the ignition and in the "ACC" position.
When key is moved to the "ACC" position, make sure all accessories are turned off to prevent battery drain.
6. Front tires are of the same size.
7. Front tire pressures are equal and inflated to the recommended pressure.
8. Vehicle is towed from the front with all four wheels on the ground.
When towing has been completed, be sure to turn key off, remove key from ignition and set parking brake. Do Not leave key in ignition with vehicle unattended.