Sensor Initiating Procedure
TREAD warnings- Information to ascertain (TREAD Lamp):
- Was puncture repair fluid used (it should not be)?
- This can cause the sensor pressure port to block and incorrect warning to occur.
- What temperature were tires last inflated at?
At what temperature did warnings occur?
- Pressure change is approx. 1.5psi / 10°C increase.
- Have the tires been checked / inflated since the lamp first came on?
- If the TREAD Lamp is on:
- Check for short circuits.
- Enter Diagnostics and read TREAD Warnings Local Identifier Data.
- Check to see if warning type is under inflation or leak.
- If the warning is for under inflation, then:
a. Re-inflate the wheel with the matching sensor ID to it's desired Placard pressure and check the pressure by reading the sensor state with TPMS exciter.
b. Check to make sure that the TREAD lamp turns off (this may take up to 4 minutes if the tire is not rapidly re-inflated).
- If the warning is for a leak, then:
a. Fix any puncture and re-inflate the tire to the desired Placard pressure.
b. Wait up to 4 minutes and make sure that the TREAD lamp turns off and the lamp does not turn on again.
c. If lamp comes on again:
d. Re-check pressure for signs of a puncture and Re-Check TREAD Warnings Local Identifier Data.
- If the Placard pressure is OK and the TREAD lamp still does not turn off:
- Turn wheel a quarter turn and again wait 4 minutes (the sensor may be in an RF null).
- If the lamp still does not turn off:
check for loose receiver wiring and replace the receiver with a known good one if necessary (follow configuration & learning procedure).
- If the problem still exists, replace sensor.
- Ensure that all tires are inflated to their correct Placard pressures.
- Re-enter sensor IDs.
- Test drive the vehicle and ensure that the TREAD lamp does not come back on.