Steering Gear: Service and Repair
1. Remove the front wheel & tire.
Tightening torque :
88.3 - 107.9N.m (9.0 - 11.0kgf.m, 65.1 - 79.6lb-ft)
2. Remove the under cover.
3. Drain the power steering fluid.
4. Loosen the bolt(A) and then disconnect the universal joint assembly from the pinion of the steering gear box.
Tightening torque :
29.4 - 34.3N.m(3.0 - 3.5kgf.m, 21.5 - 25.3lb-ft)
Lock the steering wheel in the straight ahead position to prevent the damage of the clock spring inner cable when you handle the steering wheel.
5. Disconnect the stabilizer link(A) from the front strut assembly(B) by loosening the nut.
Tightening torque :
98.1 - 117.7 N.m(10.0 - 12.0 Kgf.m, 72.3 - 86.8 lb-ft)
6. Remove the split pin and tie rod end nut from the knuckle.
Tightening torque :
34.3 - 44.1N.m (3.5 - 4.5kgf.m, 25.3 - 32.5lb-ft)
7. Remove the split pin and front lower arm(A) mounting bolt from the knuckle.
Tightening torque :
98.1 - 117.7 N.m(10.0 - 12.0 Kgf.m, 72.3 - 86.8 lb-ft)
8. Remove the rubber hanger(A).
9. Loosen the roll stopper bolt & nut.
Tightening torque :
78.5 - 107.9 N.m(8.0 - 11.0 Kgf.m, 57.9 - 79.6 lb-ft)
10. Loosen the mounting bolt.
Tightening torque :
49.0 - 63.7 N.m(5.0 - 6.5 Kgf.m, 36.2 - 47.0 lb-ft)
11. Remove the sub frame by loosening the sub frame mounting bolt.
Tightening torque :
137.3 - 156.9N.m(14.0 - 16.0Kgf.m, 101.3 - 115.7lb-ft)
12. Remove the heat protector(A).
13. Remove the steering gear box by loosening the steering gear box mounting bolt.
Tightening torque :
88.3 - 107.9N.m (9.0 - 11.0kgf.m, 65.1 - 79.6lb-ft)
14. Installation is the reverse of the removal.
15. Refill the power steering fluid and bleed the air.
1. Remove the tie rod end (B) from the tie rod (A).
2. Remove the dust cover (B) from the ball joint (A).
3. Remove the bellows band (A).
4. Remove the bellows clip (A).
5. Pull the bellows out toward the tie rod.
Check for rust on the rack when the bellows are replaced.
6. Remove the feed tube(A) from the rack housing.
7. While moving the rack slowly, drain the fluid from the rack housing.
8. Unstake the tab washer (A) which fixes the tie rod (B) and rack (C) with a chisel.
9. Remove the tie rod (B) from the rack (A).
Remove the tie rod (B) from the rack (A), taking care not to twist the rack.
10. Remove the yoke plug locking nut (A).
11. Remove the yoke plug (B) with a 14mm socket (A).
12. Remove the lock nut (D), yoke plug (C), rack support spring (B) and rack support yoke (A) from the gear box.
13. When the end of the circlip comes out of the notched hole of the housing rack cylinder, turn the rack stopper (A) clockwise and remove the circlip.
Be careful not to damage the rack.
14. When the end of the circlip comes out of the notched hole (A) of the housing rack cylinder, turn the rack stopper (B) counterclockwise and remove the circlip.
Be careful not to damage the rack.
15. Remove the rack bushing and rack from the rack housing.
16. Remove the O-ring(A) from the rack bushing (B).
17. Remove the oil seal (B) from the rack bushing (A).
18. Remove the valve body (A) from the valve body housing (B) with a soft hammer.
19. Using the special tool, remove the oil seal and ball bearing from the valve body housing.
20. Remove the oil seal and O-ring from the rack housing.
Be careful not to damage the pinion valve cylinder inside of the rack housing.
21. Using the special tool (09573-33100, 09555-21000),remove the oil seal (A) from the rack housing.
Be careful not to damage the rack cylinder inside of the rack housing.
1. Rack
A. Check for rack tooth face damage or wear.
B. Check for oil seal contact surface damage.
C. Check for rack bending or twisting.
D. Check for oil seal ring damage or wear.
E. Check for oil seal damage or wear.
2. Pinion valve
A. Check for pinion gear tooth face damage or wear.
B. Check for oil seal contact surface damage.
C. Check for seal ring damage or wear.
D. Check for oil seal damage or wear.
3. Bearing
A. Check for seizure or abnormal noise during a bearing rotation.
B. Check for excessive play.
C. Check for missing needle bearing rollers.
4. Others
A. Check for damage of the rack housing cylinder bore.
B. Check for boot damage, cracking or aging.