Text Description
COMPONENT LOCATIONA/C Aspirator (K219) centre of fascia
A/C Dual Pressure Switch (X315) behind LH side of front bumper
A.B.S. Booster Unit (Z103) driver's side of engine compartment
A.B.S. Hydraulic Pump (M102) driver's side of engine compartment
A.B.S. Pressure Switch Unit (Z104) driver's side of engine compartment
Air Bag Diagnostic Control Module (Z151) beneath centre console
Air Suspension Compressor (M140) LH rear of engine compartment
Air Suspension Delay Turn Off Timer (Z260) beneath LH front seat
Air Suspension ECU (Z165) beneath LH front seat
Air Suspension Inhibit Switch (X209) centre of fascia
Air Valve Block (K163) LH side of engine compartment
Air Bag Diagnostic Connector (X226) passenger's footwell
Alarm R.F. Aerial Module (Z250) RH side of luggage compartment
Alarm Sounder (Z171) RH side of engine compartment
Ambient Air Sensor (K218) behind driver's side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Anti-Lock Brake System ECU (Z108) beneath fascia on passenger's side of bulkhead
Auto Gear Box Control Unit (Z255) beneath LH front seat
Auto Gear Box Control Unit (Z255) beneath LH front seat
Automatic Transmission Oil Temperature Switch (X108) LH front of engine compartment
Battery (P104) RH front of engine compartment
Battery Backed Up Alarm Sounder (Z272) RH side of engine compartment
Body Electrical Control Module (BECM) (Z238) beneath RH front seat
Bonnet Switch (X110) RH front of engine compartment near Right Horn
Boost Pressure Sensor (X253) LH rear of engine compartment
Brake Fluid Level Switch (X111) driver's side of engine compartment
Brake Switch Vent Valve (X112) behind driver's side of fascia on brake pedal support
Camshaft Position Sensor (Z262) LH front of engine
Catalyst Amplifier (X301) beneath LH front seat
Catalyst Overheat Sensor 1 (X299) beneath vehicle on left catalyst
Catalyst Overheat Sensor 2 (X300) beneath vehicle on right catalyst
CD Changer (Z114) LH rear of luggage compartment
Centre Console Switch Pack Outstation (Z259) in centre console
Centre Mounted Stop Lamp (B103) lower centre of rear screen
Clock (Z117) centre of fascia
Clutch Pedal Position Switch (X200) (Petrol) behind driver's side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Compressor Clutch (K107) (Petrol) LH front of engine
Crankshaft Position Sensor (X250) LH rear of engine
Cruise Control Converter/Inverter Module (Z249) (Petrol) behind RH side of fascia right of steering column
Cruise Control ECU (Z121) behind RH side of fascia right of steering column
Cruise Control Switch (X115) centre of fascia
Cruise Control Vacuum Pump (M103) LH rear corner of engine compartment
Data Link Connectors (X127) passenger's footwell
Diaphragm Valve (K220) LH side of engine compartment
Diaphragm Valve (X302) LH side of engine compartment
Direction Indicator (X273) left of steering column
Distribution Motor (M165) beneath centre of fascia
Driver's Air Bag (K177) driver's side on steering wheel
Driver's Seat Buckle Switch (X120) inside driver's seat belt buckle assembly
Electrochromic Rear View Mirror (B110) top centre of front screen
Engine Compartment Fuse Box (P125a) RH side of engine compartment
Engine Control Module (ECM) (Z132) (Petrol) RH side of engine compartment
Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge Sensor (X114) (Petrol) LH side of engine
Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (X126) (Petrol) LH side of engine
Engine Fuel Temperature Sensor(X128) LH side of engine
Engine Speed Sensor (X255) lower LH rear of engine
Evaporative Emission Canister Purge Valve (K132) LH side of engine compartment
Evaporator Temperature Sensor (X303) RH side of heater evaporator unit
Fascia Cigar Lighter (B106) in centre console
Footwell Lamp 1 (B168) passenger's footwell
Footwell Lamp 2 (B169) driver's footwell
Fore-Aft Sensor (X196) underside of respective front seat
Front Fog Lamps Switch (X270) centre of fascia
Front Interior Roof Lamp (B107) front centre of roof
Front Screen Wash Pump (M105) behind RH side of front bumper
Front Wiper Motor (M107) LH rear corner of engine compartment
Fuel Flap Actuator (M108) RH side of luggage compartment
Fuel Flap Release Switch (X125) top LH side of fascia
Fuel Heater (K217) LH rear of engine compartment
Fuel Injectors (K141) (Petrol) top of engine
Fuel Pump Module (Z134) top of fuel tank
Fuel Shut-Off Solenoid (K111) LH side of engine
Gearbox Case (Z263) LH side of transmission
Gear Box Position Switch (X294) LH side of transmission
Generator (Z106) (Petrol) top RH side of engine
Glove Box Lamp (B152) behind glovebox
Glow Plug Timer Unit (Z135) RH front of engine compartment behind battery
Glow Plugs (P120) LH side of engine
'H' Gate Sensor Module (Z254) in centre console
Handbrake Switch (X191) beneath centre console on handbrake lever
Hazard Switch (X220) centre of fascia
Headlamp Wash Pump (M110) behind RH side of front bumper
Headrest Motor (M148) RH side of seat squab frame
Headrest Potentiometer (X279) RH side of seat squab frame
Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Control Unit (HEVAC) (Z253) centre of fascia
Idle Air Control Valve (M112) LH side of engine
Ignition Coils (Z261) centre rear of engine compartment
Ignition Key Lock Solenoid (K191) right of steering column
Ignition Switch (X134) left side of steering column
Inertia Fuel Shut-Off Switch (X135) behind RH footwell trim panel
Injector Needle Lift Sensor (X256) LH side of engine
Instrument Cluster (Z142) driver's side of fascia
Intake Air Temperature Sensor (X311) (Petrol) LH side of engine compartment on air cleaner
Key Illumination (B170) right of steering column
Key-In Switch (X229) right of steering column
Left Antenna Amplifier (Z177) LH side of luggage compartment behind trim panel
Left Blend Motor (M163) beneath centre of fascia
Left Blower Motor (M158) behind driver's side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Left Condenser Fan Motor (M113) behind front grille
Left Front Bass Speaker (K202) front door trim panel-lower
Left Front Door Lock Actuator (M153) in top rear of LH front door
Left Front Door Outstation (Z243) behind front door trim panel
Left Front Door Puddle Lamp (B114) underside of front door
Left Front Door Speaker Amplifier (Z241) behind front door trim panel
Left Front Fog Lamp (B184) behind LH side of front bumper
Left Front Height Sensor (X205) beneath LH side of vehicle on chassis
Left Front Indicator Lamp (B153) LH front of vehicle
Left Front Indicator Lamp (B153) LH front of vehicle
Left Front Lamp Assembly (B115) LH front of vehicle
Left Front Midrange Filter Capacitor (Z247) behind front door trim panel in Left Front Midrange Speaker top centre of engine
Left Front Midrange Speaker (K200) front door trim panel - centre
Left Front Tweeter (K197) front door cheater panel
Left Front Wheel Speed Sensor (X137) behind LH front wheel
Left Front Window Motor (M130) behind front door trim panel
Left Headlamp (B116) LH front of vehicle
Left Headlamp Wiper Motor (M156) LH front of vehicle
Left Heated Oxygen Sensor (X139) on left exhaust downpipe
Left Heated Oxygen Sensor (Post Catalyst) (X289) on left intermediate pipe
Left Horn (K128) LH front of engine compartment
Left Interior Lights (B180) LH centre of headlining
Left Knock Sensor (X295) lower LH side of engine
Left Lumbar Pump (M147) RH side of seat squab frame
Left Memory Mirror (M152) LH front door
Left Memory Switch (X278) on side of respective front seat
Left Mirror Actuator (M115) LH front door
Left Non-Memory Seat Power Relay 1 (K213) underside of LH front seat
Left Non-Memory Seat Power Relay 2 (K215) underside of LH front seat
Left Number Plate Lamp (B120) rear of vehicle, on tailgate
Left Rear Bass Speaker (K209) rear door trim panel - lower
Left Rear Door Lock Actuator (M149) in top of LH rear door
Left Rear Door Puddle Lamp (B149) underside of rear door
Left Rear Door Speaker Amplifier (Z245) behind rear door trim panel
Left Rear Height Sensor (X206) beneath LH side of vehicle on chassis
Left Rear Lamp Assembly (B175) LH rear of vehicle
Left Rear Midrange Filter Capacitor (Z239) behind rear door trim panel in Left Rear Midrange Speaker top centre of engine
Left Rear Midrange Speaker (K211) rear door trim panel-centre
Left Rear Wheel Speed Sensor (X140) behind LH rear wheel
Left Rear Window Door Switch (X188) rear door trim panel
Left Rear Window Motor (M116) behind rear door trim panel
Left Recirculating Motor (M160) (Petrol) behind driver's side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Left Repeater Lamp (B122) LH front side of vehicle
Left Seat Switch (X277) at LH side of LH front seat
Left Seat Outstation (Z252) underside of LH front seat
Left Tailgate Lights(B177) LH rear of vehicle
Main Lighting Switch (X145) centre of fascia
Mass Air Flow Sensor (X105) LH side of engine compartment
Left Crash Sensor (X227) LH front of engine compartment
Neutral Switch (X293) LH side of transmission
Right Crash Sensor (X228) RH front of engine compartment
Oil Pressure Switch (X149) (Petrol) lower RH side of engine
Passenger's Air Bag (K178) top of fascia, passenger's side
Passive Immobilisation Coil (Z270) underside of steering column
Pressure Switch 2 (X312) behind LH side of front bumper
Radio (Z111) centre of fascia
Rear Fog Guard Lamps Switch (X154) centre of fascia
Rear Footwell Lamp (B182) beneath cubby box liner rear of
Rear Load Space Lamp (B174) rear of luggage compartment
Rear Screen (B141) rear of vehicle
Rear Screen Wash Pump (M119) behind RH side of front bumper
Rear Wiper Motor (M120) top centre of front screen behind trim panel
Recline Motor and Potentiometer (X280) LH side of seat squab frame
Resistor (K152) behind driver's side of fascia
Reverse Switch (X157) behind LH footwell trim panel
Ride Height Switch (X271) centre of fascia
Right Antenna Amplifier (Z178) RH side of luggage compartment behind trim panel
Right Blend Motor (M164) beneath centre of fascia
Right Blower Motor (M159) behind RH side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Right Condenser Fan Motor (M121) behind front grille
Right Front Bass Speaker (K203) front door trim panel - lower
Right Front Door Lock Actuator (M154) in top rear of RH front door
Right Front Door Outstation (Z244) behind front door trim panel
Right Front Door Puddle Lamp (B127) underside of front door
Right Front Door Speaker Amplifier (Z242) behind front door trim panel
Right Front Fog Lamp (B183) behind RH side of front bumper
Right Front Height Sensor (X207) beneath RH side of vehicle on chassis
Right Front Indicator Lamp (B154) RH front of vehicle
Right Front Indicator Lamp (B154) RH front of vehicle
Right Front Lamp Assembly (B128) RH front of vehicle
Right Front Midrange Filter Capacitor (Z248) behind front door trim panel in Right Front Midrange Speaker harness
Right Front Midrange Speaker (K201) front door trim panel - centre
Right Front Tweeter (K198) front door cheater panel
Right Front Wheel Speed Sensor (X158) behind RH front wheel
Right Front Window Motor (M133) behind front door trim panel
Right Headlamp (B130) RH front of vehicle
Right Headlamp Wiper Motor (M157) RH front of vehicle
Right Heated Oxygen Sensor (X160) on right exhaust downpipe
Right Heated Oxygen Sensor (Post Catalyst) (X290) on right exhaust intermediate pipe
Right Horn (K134) RH front of engine compartment
Right Interior Lights (B179) RH centre of headlining
Right Knock Sensor (X296) lower RH side of engine
Right Lumbar Pump (M155) RH side of seat squab frame
Right Memory Mirror(M151) RH front door
Right Memory Switch (X317) on side of respective front seat
Right Mirror Actuator (M123) RH front door
Right Non-Memory Seat Power Relay 1 (K214) underside of RH front seat
Right Non-Memory Seat Power Relay 2 (K216) underside of RH front seat
Right Number Plate Lamp (B134) rear of vehicle, on tailgate
Right Rear Bass Speaker (K210) rear door trim panel-lower
Right Rear Door Lock Actuator (M150) in top of RH rear door
Right Rear Door Puddle Lamp (B150) underside of rear door
Right Rear Door Speaker Amplifier (Z246) behind rear door trim panel
Right Rear Height Sensor (X208) beneath RH side of vehicle on chassis
Right Rear Lamp Assembly (B176) RH rear of vehicle
Right Rear Midrange Filter Capacitor (Z240) behind rear door trim panel in Right Rear Midrange Speaker harness
Right Rear Midrange Speaker (K212) rear door trim panel-centre
Right Rear Wheel Speed Sensor (X161) behind RH rear wheel
Right Rear Window Door Switch (X189) rear door trim panel
Right Rear Window Motor (M124) behind rear door trim panel
Right Recirculating Motor (M161) behind passenger's side of fascia (lower dash panel removed)
Right Repeater Lamp (B137) RH front side of vehicle
Right Seat Switch (X276) at RH side of RH front seat
Right Seat Outstation (Z258) underside of RH front seat
Right Tailgate Lights (B178) RH rear of vehicle
Rotary Coupler (Z119) top of steering column
Screen Wash Fluid Level Switch (X165) behind RH side of front bumper
Seat Base Motor (M126) (With Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Base Motor (M126) (Without Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Height (Front) Motor (M127) (With Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Height (Front) Motor (M127) (Without Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Height (Rear) Motor (M128) (With Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Height (Rear) Motor (M128) (Without Memory) underside of respective front seat
Seat Potentiometer Front Motor (X288) underside of respective front seat
Seat Potentiometer Rear Motor (X287) underside of respective front seat
Seat Recline Motor (M129) underside of respective front seat
Solenoid Valve, Injection Timing Device (K229) LH front of engine
Starter (M134) (Petrol) lower RH rear of engine
Starter Solenoid (K136) (Petrol) lower RH rear of engine
Steering Wheel Switches (X269) on steering wheel
Stop Lamp Switch (X168) behind driver's side of fascia on brake pedal support
Subwoofer (K146) LH side of luggage compartment
Subwoofer Amplifier (Z176) LH rear of luggage compartment
Sun Sensor (X305) top centre of fascia
Sun-visor Lamp 1 (B172) RH front of roof
Sun-visor Lamp 2 (B173) LH front of roof
Sunroof Anti-trap (Z251) front centre of roof
Sunroof Motor (M131) front centre of roof
Tailgate Lock Actuator (M132) centre of tailgate
Tailgate Switch (X170) centre of tailgate
Tailgate Unlock Switch (X275) centre of tailgate behind trim panel
Theft Alarm LED (B151) top centre of fascia
Throttle Position Sensor (X171) (Petrol) LH side of engine
Trailer Auxiliary Socket (X172) beneath centre rear of vehicle
Trailer Main Socket (X286) beneath centre rear of vehicle
Transfer Box Drive Motor/Encoder (K154) on transfer box rear of
Transfer Box Oil Temperature Switch (X174) on transfer box rear of
Transfer Micro Switch/Shift Lock Solenoid (X298) (Automatic Transmission) beneath centre console
Transfer Switch Manual (X297) (Manual Transmission) centre of fascia
Transfer Gear Box ECU (Z256) beneath LH front seat
Ultrasonic Module (Z205) top of LH 'B' post
Vehicle Speed Sensor (X190) on transfer box rear of
Wash/Wipe Switch (X272) right of steering column
Water Temperature Sensor (X304) RH side of heater evaporator unit