Bleed System
WARNING: Before bleeding the system or working on any component in the brake system, depressurization must occur. Depressurize SystemCAUTION:
^ Thoroughly clean all bleed screws, filler cap and connections using only clean brake fluid. DO NOT USE MINERAL OIL, ENGINE OIL, ETC. MAINTAIN CLEANLINESS THROUGHOUT.
^ Do not reuse brake fluid. Ensure only new fluid is used, taken from a clean, sealed container. Carefully dispose of unwanted fluid in a suitably marked sealed container.
^ Numbers in parentheses ( ) below refer to numbers in illustration.
^ Do not allow reservoir fluid level to fall below "MIN" level during bleeding. Regularly check level and keep topped up to "MAX" level.
1. Ensure ignition remains OFF until step 13.
2. Fill fluid reservoir with specified fluid to 'MAX' level.
3. Bleed master cylinder as follows: Open bleed screw on booster (3); when fluid appears, close bleed screw.
4. Install tube to bleed screw.
5. Open bleed screw, depress pedal slowly and progressively.
6. Close bleed screw. Release brake pedal.
7. Repeat instructions 5 and 6 until fluid is clear of air bubbles.
8. Open bleed screw, fully depress pedal, close bleed screw.
9. Bleed front calipers, driver's side caliper first, as follows:
a. Open bleed screw (9).
b. Depress brake pedal slowly and progressively.
c. Close bleed screw at bottom of each stroke.
d. Release pedal.
10. Repeat instruction 9 until fluid is clear of air bubbles.
11. Open bleed screw again. Fully depress brake pedal, close bleed screw.
12. Repeat instructions 9 to 11 for passenger side caliper.
13. Bleed two booster bleed screws (13 and 15), starting at the front bleed screw (13), as follows: Open bleed screw, depress brake pedal, switch ignition on.
14. Allow fluid to flow until clear of air bubbles. Switch ignition off, close bleed screw, release pedal.
15. Repeat instructions 13 and 14 for the rear booster bleed screw (15).
16. Bleed each rear caliper, driver's side caliper first, as follows: Open bleed screw (16), depress brake pedal slowly and progressively.
17. Switch on ignition for 4 seconds. Switch off ignition for 4 seconds. Repeat until fluid is clear of air bubbles.
18. Switch off ignition, close bleed screw, release pedal.
19. Switch on ignition, wait for ABS pump to stop running. Press brake pedal down firmly and fully release it five times.
20. With ignition on, repeat front caliper bleed instructions 9 to 12. Use only the lower two thirds of pedal travel when bleeding.
21. Repeat instruction 19.
22. Check/top up reservoir fluid level.
NOTE: If ABS pump makes a ticking noise when running during this procedure, repeat instructions 13 to 19. When the bleed procedure has been successfully completed, the ABS pump will not make any ticking noises.