Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Environmental Impact Information

Environmental Precautions

This section provides general information which can help to reduce adverse environmental impacts incurred through the activities carried out in workshops.

Emissions to air
Many of the activities that are carried out in workshops emit gases and fumes which contribute to global warming, depletion of the ozone layer and/or the formation of photo-chemical smog at ground level. By considering and controlling how the workshop activities are carried out, these gases and fumes can be minimized, thus reducing the damage to the environment.

Exhaust fumes
Running car engines is an essential part of workshop activities and exhaust fumes need to be ventilated to atmosphere. However, the amount of time engines are running and the position of the vehicle should be carefully considered at all times, to reduce the release of poisonous gases and minimize the inconvenience to people living nearby.

Some of the cleaning agents used are solvent based and will evaporate to atmosphere if used carelessly, or if cans are left unsealed. All solvent containers should be firmly closed when not needed and solvent should be used sparingly. Suitable alternative materials may be available to replace some of the commonly used solvents. Similarly, many paints are solvent based and the spray should be minimized to reduce solvent emissions.

It is illegal to release any refrigerants into the atmosphere. Discharge and replacement of these materials from air conditioning units should only be carried out using the correct equipment.

Always adhere to the following:

Engines -
- don't leave engines running unnecessarily;
- minimize testing times and check where the exhaust fumes are being blown.

Materials -
- keep lids on containers of solvents;
- only use the minimum quantity;
- consider alternative materials;
- minimize over-spray when painting.

Gases -
- use the correct equipment for collecting refrigerants;
- don't burn rubbish on site.

Discharges to water
Most sites will have two Systems for discharging water: storm drains and foul drains. Storm drains should only receive clean water, foul drains will take dirty water.

The foul drain will accept many of the normal waste waters such as washing water, detergents and domestic type wastes, but oil, petrol, solvent, acids, hydraulic oil, antifreeze and other such substances should never be poured down the drain. If in any doubt, speak to the local Water Company first.

Every precaution must be taken to prevent spillage of oil, fuel, solvents etc. reaching the drains. All handling of such materials must take place well away from the drains and preferably in an area with a kerb or wall around it, to prevent discharge into the drain. If a spillage occurs, it should be soaked up immediately. Having a spill kit available will make this easier.

Additional precautions
Check whether the surface water drains are connected to an oil/water separator, this could reduce the pollution if an incident was to occur. Oil/water separators require regular maintenance to ensure effectiveness.

Always adhere to the following:

Disposal -
- never pour anything down a drain without first checking that it is environmentally safe to do so, and that it does not contravene any local regulations or bye-laws;
- have oil traps emptied regularly.

Spillage prevention -
- store liquids in a walled area;
- make sure the taps on liquid containers are secure and cannot be accidentally turned on;
- protect bulk storage tanks from vandalism by locking the valves;
- transfer liquids from one container to another in an area away from open drains:
- ensure lids are replaced securely on containers;
- have spill kits available near to points of storage and handling of liquids.

Spill kits
Special materials are available to absorb a number of different substances. They can be in granular form, ready to use and bought in convenient containers for storage. Disposal of used spill-absorbing material is dealt with in the 'Waste Management' section.

Land contamination
Oils, fuels and solvents etc. can contaminate any soil that they are allowed to contact. Such materials should never be disposed of by pouring onto soil and every precaution must be taken to prevent spillage reaching soil. Waste materials stored on open ground could also leak, or have polluting substances washed off them that would contaminate the land.

Always store these materials in suitable skips or other similarly robust containers.

Always adhere to the following:
- don't pour or spill anything onto the soil or bare ground.

Legal compliance
Some sites may have a discharge consent for effluent discharge to the foul drain for a car wash etc. It is important to know what materials are allowed in the drain and to check the results of any monitoring carried out by the Water Company.

Where paint spraying operations are carried out it may be necessary to apply to the Local Authority for an air emissions licence to operate the plant. If such a licence is in operation, additional precautions will be necessary to comply with the requirements, and the results of any air quality monitoring must be checked regularly.

Always adhere to the following:
- know what legal consents and licences apply to the operations;
- check that the emissions and discharges comply with legal requirements.

Local issues
A number of environmental issues will be of particular concern to residents and other neighbours close to the site. The sensitivity of these issues will depend on the proximity of the site and the layout and amount of activity carried on at the site.

Noise is a major concern and therefore consideration should be given to the time spent carrying out noisy activities and the location of those activities that can cause excessive noise.

Car alarm testing, panel beating, hammering and other such noisy activities should, whenever possible, be carried out indoors with doors and windows shut, or as far away from houses as possible.

Running vehicle engines may be an outside activity which could cause nuisance to neighbours because of both noise and smell.

Be sensitive to the time of day when these activities are carried out and minimize the time of the noisy operation, particularly in the early morning and late evening.

Another local concern will be the smell from the various materials used. Using less solvent, paint and petrol could help prevent this annoyance.

Local residents and other business users will also be concerned about traffic congestion, noise and exhaust fumes, be sensitive to these concerns and try to minimize inconvenience from deliveries, customers and servicing operations.

Always adhere to the following:
- identify where the neighbours who are likely to be affected are situated;
- minimize noise, smells and traffic nuisance;
- prevent litter by putting waste in the correct containers;
- have waste skips emptied regularly.

Use of resource
Another environmental concern is the waste of materials and energy that can occur in day to day activities.

Electricity for heating, lighting and compressed air uses resources and releases pollution during its generation.

Fuel used for heating, running cars or vans and mobile plant is another limited resource which consumes large amounts of energy during its extraction and refining processes.

Water has to be cleaned, piped to site and disposed of, all of which creates more potential pollution;

Oil, spares, paint etc., have all produced pollution in the process of manufacture and they become a waste disposal problem if discarded.

Always adhere to the following:

Electricity and heating -
- keep doors and windows closed in the winter;
- switch off machinery or lights when not needed;
- use energy efficient heating systems;
- switch off computers and photocopiers when not needed.

Fuel -
- don't run engines unnecessarily;
- think about whether journeys are necessary and drive to conserve fuel.

- don't leave taps and hose pipes running;
- mend leaks quickly, don't be wasteful.

Compressed air-
- don't leave valves open;
- mend leaks quickly;
- don't leave the compressor running when not needed.

Use of environmentally damaging materials -
- check whether a less toxic material is available.

Handling and storage of materials -
- have the correct facilities available for handling liquids to prevent spillage and wastage as listed above;
- provide suitable locations for storage to prevent frost damage or other deterioration.

Waste Management
One of the major ways that pollution can be reduced is by the careful handling, storage and disposal of all waste materials that occur on sites. Legislation makes it illegal to dispose of waste materials other than to licensed waste carriers and disposal sites. This means that it is necessary to not only know what the waste materials are, but also to have the necessary documentation and licenses.

Handling and storage of waste
Ensure that waste materials are not poured down the drain or onto soils. They should be stored in such a way as to prevent the escape of material to land, water or air.

They must also be segregated into different types of waste e.g. oil, metals, batteries, used vehicle components. This will prevent any reaction between different materials and assist in disposal.
Disposal at waste
Disposal of waste materials must only be to waste carriers who are licensed to carry those particular waste materials and all the necessary documentation must be completed. The waste carrier is responsible for ensuring that the waste is taken to the correct disposal sites.

Dispose of waste in accordance with the following guidelines:
- Fuel, hydraulic fluid, anti-freeze and oil - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Refrigerant - collect using specialist equipment and containers, and reuse.
- Detergents - safe to pour down the foul drain if diluted.
- Paint, thinners - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Components - send back to supplier for refurbishment, or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
- Small parts - reuse any suitable parts, dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
- Metals - can be sold if kept separate from general waste.
- Tires - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Packaging - compact as much as possible and dispose of in ordinary waste.
- Asbestos-containing - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Oily and fuel wastes (e.g. rags, used spill kit material)
- keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Air filters - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Rubber/plastics - dispose of in ordinary waste.
- Hoses - dispose of in ordinary waste.
- Batteries - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Airbags (explosives) - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Electrical components - send back to supplier for refurbishment, or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
- Electronic components - send back to supplier for refurbishment, or disassemble and reuse any suitable parts. Dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.
- Catalysts - can be sold if kept separate from general waste.
- Used spill-absorbing material - keep separate and dispose of to specialist contractor.
- Office waste - recycle paper and toner/ink cartridges, dispose of the remainder in ordinary waste.