Rear Suspension
Rear Wheel BearingService Repair No - 64.15.14
Special Service Tools
1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.
Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Remove the wheel and tire.
3. Remove the wheel knuckle.
8. NOTE: Bearing damage is unavoidable during this operation.
Position the wheel knuckle assembly in a press and support on special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover, Wheel Hub/Bearing
Press the drive flange out of the wheel knuckle assembly using special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub
9. NOTE: The inner bearing track will remain on the drive flange.
10. Clamp both halves of a suitable bearing separator around the inner bearing track and position the drive flange in a press.
Using the special tool, press the drive flange from the inner bearing track.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub
11. Remove the circlip from the wheel knuckle assembly.
12. Position the wheel knuckle assembly in a press and support on special tools. Special
Service Tools : Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub
Press the wheel bearing out of the wheel knuckle assembly using special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub Bearing
1. CAUTION: One side of the bearing is magnetic. The magnetic side is identifiable by the application of a matt black finish. The magnetic side must face towards the inboard side of the vehicle. Before fitting the bearing, make sure the magnetic face is clean. The bearing must be handled with extreme care.
Position the wheel knuckle assembly in a press and support on special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Bushing
Press the new wheel bearing into the wheel knuckle assembly using special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub Bearing
2. Install the circlip to the wheel knuckle assembly.
3. Position the wheel knuckle assembly in a press and support on special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub Bearing
Press the drive flange into the wheel knuckle assembly using special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub
4. WARNING: Do not use compressed air to clean brake components. Dust from friction materials can be harmful if inhaled.
Clean the backing plate and apply grease to the brake shoe contacts.
5. Clean the adjuster and set it to its minimum extension.
6. Install the secondary brake shoe.
Install the hold-down spring and retaining pin.
7. WARNING: Make sure the return spring and the adjuster spring are correctly installed to the primary shoe.
CAUTION: Make sure the brake shoe spring is not over stretched.
Install the spreader plate and the spring.
Install the primary brake shoe.
Install the return spring.
Install the hold-down spring and retaining pin.
8. CAUTION: Make sure the brake shoe spring is not over stretched.
Install the brake shoe adjuster.
9. Install the wheel knuckle.
10. Adjust the parking brake.
11. Install the wheel and tire.