Front Suspension
Front Wheel BearingService Repair No - 60.25.14
Special Service Tools
NOTE: The wheel bearing is supplied as part of the drive flange assembly.
1. WARNING: Make sure to support the vehicle with axle stands.
Raise and support the vehicle.
2. Remove the wheel knuckle.
3. Position the wheel knuckle assembly in a press and support on special tool.
Special Service Tools: Remover, Wheel Hub/Bearing
Using the special tool, press the drive flange assembly out of the wheel knuckle.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Bushing
1. CAUTION: Make sure that a new drive flange assembly is installed.
Position the new drive flange assembly in the special tools.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Wheel Hub/Wheel Bearing
Special Service Tools: Adapter for 204-348
Using the special tool, press the drive flange assembly into the wheel knuckle.
Special Service Tools: Remover/Installer, Bushing
2. Install the wheel knuckle.