Exhaust System: Service and Repair
Exhaust SystemService Repair No - 30.10.08
Special Service Tools
1. Disconnect the battery ground cable.
WARNING: Do not work on or under a vehicle supported only by a jack. Always support the vehicle on safety stands.
Raise and support the vehicle.
3. Remove the engine undershield.
4. Remove the transmission crossmember.
5. Release the LH front H02S wiring harness.
^ Disconnect the electrical connector.
6. Release the RH front H02S wiring harness.
^ Disconnect the electrical connector.
7. Release the LH rear H02S wiring harness.
^ Disconnect the electrical connector.
8. Release the RH rear H02S wiring harness.
^ Disconnect the electrical connector.
9. Disconnect the LH catalytic converter from the exhaust manifold.
^ Remove and discard the 2 bolts.
10. Disconnect the RH catalytic converter from the exhaust manifold.
^ Remove and discard the 2 bolts.
11. With assistance, remove the exhaust system.
^ Disconnect the 5 exhaust hangers.
12. NOTE: Do not disassemble further if the component is removed for access only.
Using the special tool, remove the 4 H02S from the catalytic converters.
1. CAUTION: Make sure the anti-seize compound does not contact the H02S tip.
Using the special tool, install the H02S to the catalytic converters and tighten to 45 Nm (33 ft. lbs.).
^ Clean the components.
^ Apply an anti-seize compound to the thread of the HO2S.
2. With assistance, install the exhaust system.
^ Attach the exhaust hangers.
3. Position the RH catalytic converter to the exhaust manifold.
^ Clean the components.
^ Tighten the new bolts to 22 Nm (16 ft. lbs.).
4. CAUTION: Make sure there is a clearance (A) of 25 mm to 30 mm between the closest points of the LH catalytic converter and the front driveshaft.
Position the LH catalytic converter to the exhaust manifold.
^ Clean the components.
^ Tighten the new bolts to 22 Nm (16 ft. lbs.).
5. CAUTION: Make sure the H02S wiring harness is not twisted more than 180 degrees and is not in contact with either the exhaust or driveshaft.
Connect the H02S electrical connectors.
^ Attach the H02S wiring harnesses.
6. Install the transmission crossmember.
7. Install the engine undershield.
8. Connect the battery ground cable.