Charging System: Description and Operation
Generator And Regulator
The function of the charging system is to supply sufficient electrical power to the vehicle under all operating conditions. This includes engine starting, and all electrical loads on the vehicle while it is parked (key-out loads). Operation of the generator is controlled by the Engine Management System (EMS).
A load management system monitors the output of the charging system against the demands made by the electrical system on the vehicle. If the demands are too great, the load management system will automatically shut down non-essential items. These items will be 'invisible' to the driver. The load management system is controlled by the Automatic Temperature Control Module (ATCM).
Delivery Mode
When the vehicle leaves the factory it will be in Delivery mode.
NOTE: Delivery mode shouldn't be confused with Transport mode. Delivery mode protects the vehicle battery from losing charge before the vehicle is sold. Transport mode protects the vehicle body whilst it is on the transporter.
When in Delivery mode, the following features are disabled:
^ The anti-theft alarm system.
^ The central locking system.
^ Remote unlocking.
^ Courtesy lighting.
^ Ignition key interlock.
Delivery mode can only be de-activated using T4.
Power Distribution
Feed from the positive battery terminal (C0192) is supplied to fuse 20E and fusible link 11E (C0632) on an R wire. Both are located in the Battery Junction Box (BJB). Fuse 20E (C0570) provides a constant battery feed to the generator (C0053) on an NG (V6 & V8), or an R (TdV6) wire.
Fusible link 11E (C0570) is connected to the ignition switch (C0028) by an N wire. When the ignition switch is turned to the 'crank' position, current flows across the switch (C0028) to the Central Junction Box (CJB) (C0582) on a WR wire.
The generator is mounted on the front RH side of the engine. The ECM (C0634) provides a PWM signal to the generator (C0053) on a WR wire. This signal is used to control operation of the generator. The generator returns a PWM signal to the ECM on a WG wire. The ECM uses this signal to monitor the operation of the generator.
The generator (C0034) provides an output to the battery (C1641) on an R wire.
Indicator Lamp
An ignition/no charge indicator lamp is located in the instrument cluster. Illumination of the indicator lamp (C0230) is controlled by the ECM (C0635 on petrol vehicles, C0872 on diesel vehicles) via the high speed CAN bus on YN (high) and YB (low) wires.