Pinpoint Tests
Pinpoint Test
PINPOINT TEST G1217617p1 : Single door will not open from the outside (but opens from the inside)
G1217617t1 : Check the exterior door release cable to exterior door handle is installed correctly
1 Remove the door trim panel as necessary. For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
2 Confirm the exterior door release cable is correctly installed to the exterior door handle
- Is the cable correctly installed?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t2.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1217617t2 : Check the exterior door handle release connection to the door latch
Confirm the exterior door handle release connection to the door latch is installed correctly
- Is the exterior door handle release cable installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617p3.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
PINPOINT TEST G1217617p2 : Single Door Will Not Open From The Inside (but opens from the outside)
G1217617t5 : Check the interior door release cable to interior door handle is installed correctly
Figure A - Child lock off position shown
Make sure the child lock is disengaged (rear door only)
2 Remove the door trim panel as necessary For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
3 Confirm the interior door release cable is correctly installed to the interior door handle
- Is the cable correctly installed?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t6.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation
G1217617t6 : Check the interior door handle release connection to the door latch
Confirm the interior door handle release connection to the door latch is installed correctly
- Is the interior door handle release cable installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617p3.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
PINPOINT TEST G1217617p3 : Door Latching and Locking Function Test
G1217617t3 : Door Latch Test
Test as a single component to ensure that the door latch is not replaced unnecessarily, when another component may be at fault
1 Remove door trim from door For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
2 Remove module plate / closing panel from door
3 Remove latch module from door For additional information, refer to Front Door Latch Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Latch Service and Repair
4 Inspect latch module for any visual damage
5 Disconnect interior release bowden cable at door latch
6 Disconnect exterior release bowden cable at door latch
7 With the latch in hand, connect the electrical connector(s) to connect door latch to door harness
Close all vehicle doors except the door being investigated
Figure 1 - Unlatched position shown
Figure 2 - First safety latched position shown
Figure 3 - Fully latched position shown
Test will not work if latch is only in first safety latch position
Rotate latch claw (using a small screw driver or similar) to the fully latched position (Figure 3)
Unlocked position shown
Confirm that the latch interior release lever is in the unlocked position as shown
Locked position shown
Press the lock button on the key-fob or smart key
- Does the latch interior release lever move from the unlocked position to the locked position?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t4.
If this is a repeat test and the vehicle electrical test section has been completed and confirmed that vehicle is working correctly, then replace the door latch. If replacing latch as part of a warranty claim, please quote reference code LKINOP in the technician comments section of the warranty claim
G1217617t4 : Test 1 Door Latch
Locked position shown
With the latch in the locked state (i.e. the latch interior release lever is in the locked position), press the key-fob or smart keyunlock button
- Does the latch interior release lever move from the locked position to the unlocked position?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t7.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617p5. If pinpoint test E has been completed and confirmed that vehicle is correctly supplying signals to latch, then replace the door latch. If replacing latch as part of a warranty claim, please quote reference code UNLKINOP in the technician comments section of the warranty claim
G1217617t7 : Test 2 Door Latch
Fully latched position shown
With the latch in its unlocked state, push the latch exterior release lever against its return spring, whilst simultaneously applying a light pressure to release the latch claw using a small screw driver or similar
- Does the latch claw release?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t8.
Repeat testsC2andC3to confirm the fault.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t4. If the repeat test has confirmed that the exterior release lever will not release the claw on an unlocked latch replace the door latch. If replacing latch as part of a warranty claim, please quote reference code EXTINOP in the technician comments section of the warranty claim
G1217617t8 : Test 3 Door Latch
Fully latched position shown
Using a small screw driver or similar, rotate latch claw to the second fully latched position
Figure A - Child lock off position shown
If testing a rear door latch, ensure that the child lock is turned to the off position
Confirm that the latch interior release lever is in the unlocked position as shown
Whilst the latch is still in its unlocked state, push the latch interior release lever against its return spring, whilst simultaneously applying a light pressure to release the latch claw using a small screw driver or similar
- Does the latch claw release
Latch has passed all tests to confirm its correct function. DO NOT REPLACE LATCH as part of any attempts to resolve any locking functionality issues.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617p5. To confirm vehicle electrical signal is received by the latch
Repeat this test
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t8.
If repeat test has confirmed that the interior release lever will not release the claw when the latch is in the unlocked state, then replace the latch. If replacing latch as part of a warranty claim, please quote reference code INTINOP in the technician comments section of the warranty claim
PINPOINT TEST G1217617p4 : Latch Mounted Door Ajar Switch Test
G1217617t9 : Test 4 Door Latch
If a customer is complaining of issues relating to a door ajar signal e.g. door latch won't lock, or alarm system triggering (indicated via DTC's), there may be several components that generate the fault, including
- Door Latch ajar switch
- Alarm control module
- Central junction box
- Body wiring harness / connectors
- Door wiring harness / connectors
To investigate the functioning of the door ajar switch contained within the door latch, to prove or eliminate the door latch mounted door ajar switch as the root cause, follow the process below. This will prevent the unnecessary replacement of a correctly functioning door latch
1 Remove door trim from door For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
2 Remove module plate / closing panel from door
3 Remove latch module from door For additional information, refer to Front Door Latch Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Latch Service and Repair
4 Inspect latch module for any visual damage
Figure 1 - Unlatched position shown
Figure 2 - First safety latched position shown
Figure 3 - Fully latched position shown
Test will not work if latch is only in first safety latch position
Using a small screw driver or similar, rotate latch claw to the second fully latched position (figure 3)
Carry out continuity test between terminals 1 and 4 (left side) or 8 and 4 (right side) with claw closed
- Does the continuity test pass?
The latch ajar switch is working correctly. Do not replace latch. Investigate for fault elsewhere in vehicle system
Release latch claw and repeat test from step 5 to confirm result. If this is a repeat test and you are sure that the ajar switch does not provide continuity when fully latched. Replace the latch. If replacing latch as part of a warranty claim, please quote reference code AJARINOP in the technician comments section of the warranty claim
PINPOINT TEST G1217617p5 : Vehicle Electrical System Test
G1217617t10 : Test 5 Lock Command
Disconnect electrical connector from latch
2 Close all vehicle doors apart from door being investigated, please note which door, left side or right side is under investigation
3 Monitor the circuit for momentary power when locking the vehicle via the key-fob or smart key between terminals 1 and 10 left side or 8 and 10 right side
- Is there momentary power (for approx 8 seconds) between terminals 1 and 10 left side or 8 and 10 right side when locking the vehicle via the key-fob or smart key
The vehicle electrical system is locking correctly, providing the signal to the latch.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1217617t11.
Refer to the electrical circuit diagrams and investigate why vehicle electrical system is not providing signals to the latch. Using the manufacturer approved diagnostic system check for logged DTCs to localize the fault
G1217617t11 : Test 6 Unlock Command
1 Monitor the circuit for momentary power when unlocking the vehicle via the key-fob or smart key between terminals 1 and 9 left side or 8 and 9 right side
- Is there momentary power (for approx 8 seconds) between terminals 1 and 9 left side and 8 and 9 right side when unlocking the vehicle via the key-fob or smart key
The vehicle electrical system is unlocking correctly, providing the signal to the latch. Plug electrical connector back in to latch. Rebuild vehicle and check for correct operation
Refer to the electrical circuit diagrams and investigate why vehicle electrical system is not providing signals to the latch. Using the manufacturer approved diagnostic system check for logged DTCs to localize the fault