Part 1
Health and Safety Precautions
Modern vehicles contain many materials and liquids which if not handled with care can be hazardous to both personal health and the environment. Also, many of the procedures associated with vehicle maintenance and repair involve physical hazards or other risks to health.
This subsection lists some of these hazardous operations and the materials and equipment associated with them. Precautions necessary to avoid these hazards are identified.
The list is not exhaustive and all operations and procedures and the handling of materials, should be carried out with health and safety in mind.
Before using any product the Materials Safety Data Sheet supplied by the manufacturer or supplier should be consulted.
WARNING: Many liquids and other substances used in motor vehicles are poisonous and should under no circumstances be consumed and should, as far as possible, be kept from contact with the skin. These liquids and substances include acid, anti-freeze, brake fluid, fuel, windscreen washer additives, lubricants, refrigerants and various adhesives.
Acids and Alkalis
For example - alkalis such as caustic soda used in cleaning materials; acids such as sulfuric acid used in batteries.
Both alkalis and acids are irritant and corrosive to the skin, eyes, nose and throat. They cause burns and can destroy ordinary protective clothing.
Avoid splashes to the skin, eyes and clothing. Wear suitable protective impervious apron, gloves and goggles. Do not breath mists.
Make sure access to eye wash bottles, shower and soap are readily available for splashing accidents.
Display Eye Hazard sign.
Air Bags
Highly flammable, explosive - observe No Smoking policy.
Used within the vehicle as safety restraints.
The inflator contains a high-energy propellant which, when ignited, produces a VERY HOT GAS (2500°C).
The gas inflator (generator) used in air bags is Sodium Azide. This material is hermetically sealed in each air bag module and is completely consumed during deployment. No attempt should be made to open an air bag inflator as this will lead to the risk of exposure to Sodium Azide. If a gas generator is ruptured, full protective clothing should be worn when dealing with the spillage.
After normal deployment, gloves and safety goggles should be worn during the handling process.
Deployed air bags should be disposed of in a plastic bag in accordance with local regulations at an approved chemical waste site.
Following any direct contact with Sodium Azide:
- Wash affected areas thoroughly with water.
Air Bags - Do's
- Do store modules in an upright position.
- Do keep modules dry.
- Do carry modules with the cover side pointing away from the body.
- Do place modules with their cover side upwards.
- Do carefully inspect modules for damage.
- Do stand to one side when connecting modules.
- Do make sure all test equipment is properly calibrated and maintained.
- Do wash hands after handling deployed air bags.
Air Bags - Do Not
- Do Not store highly flammable material together with modules or gas generators.
- Do Not store gas generators at temperatures exceeding 80°C.
- Do Not store modules upside down.
- Do Not attempt to open a gas generator housing.
- Do Not expose gas generators to open flame or sources of heat.
- Do Not place anything on top of a module cover.
- Do Not use damaged modules.
- Do Not touch a fired module or gas generator for at least 10 minutes after firing.
- Do Not use any electrical probes on the wiring circuit.
Air Suspension
Whenever work is being undertaken on the air suspension system, suitable eye protection must be worn.
Air Conditioning Refrigerant
Highly flammable, combustible - observe No Smoking policy.
Skin contact may result in frostbite.
Instructions given by the manufacturer must be followed. Avoid naked lights, wear suitable protective gloves and goggles.
If refrigerant comes into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse the affected areas with water immediately. Eyes should also be rinsed with an appropriate irrigation solution such as a solution of 9% Sodium Chloride and Purified Water. DO NOT RUB THE EYES AND SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Air Conditioning Refrigerant
Do Not
- Do Not expose refrigerant bottles to sunlight or heat.
- Do Not expose refrigerant bottles to frost.
- Do Not drop refrigerant bottles.
- Do Not vent refrigerant to atmosphere under any circumstance.
- Do Not mix refrigerants.
Adhesives and Sealants
Many adhesives and sealants are highly flammable - OBSERVE NO SMOKING POLICY. These items, should be stored in flameproof cabinets in No Smoking areas. Cleanliness and tidiness in use should be observed, for example disposable paper covering benches. All adhesives and sealants should be dispensed from applicators where possible; containers, including secondary containers, should be labelled appropriately.
Anaerobic, Cyanoacrylate (super-glues) and other Acrylic Adhesives
Many are irritant, sensitizing or harmful to the skin and respiratory tract. Some are eye irritants.
Skin and eye contact should be avoided and the manufacturer's instructions followed.
Cyanoacrylate adhesives (super-glues) MUST NOT contact the skin or eyes. If skin or eye tissue is bonded, cover with a clean moist pad and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.Do not attempt to pull skin tissue apart. Use in well ventilated areas as vapors can cause irritation to the nose and eyes.
For two-pack systems see Resin-based and Isocyanate Adhesives/Sealers.
Solvent-based Adhesives/Sealers - See Solvents
Follow manufacturers instructions.
Water-based Adhesives/Sealers
Those based on polymer emulsions and rubber/latex may contain small amounts of volatile, toxic and harmful chemicals. Skin and eye contact should be avoided and adequate ventilation provided during use.
Hot Melt Adhesives
In the solid state, they are safe. In the molten state they may cause burns and health hazards may arise from the inhalation of toxic fumes.
Use appropriate protective clothing and a thermostatically controlled heater with a thermal cut-out and adequate extraction.
Resin-based Adhesives/Sealers, for example Epoxide and Formaldehyde Resin-based
Mixing should be carried out in well ventilated areas as harmful or toxic volatile chemicals may be released.
Skin contact with uncured resins and hardeners can result in irritation, dermatitis, and absorption of toxic or harmful chemicals through the skin. Splashes can damage the eyes.
Provide adequate ventilation and avoid skin and eye contact.
Isocyanate (Polyurethane) Adhesives/Sealers
See also Resin-based Adhesives
Individuals suffering from asthma or respiratory allergies should not work with or near these materials as sensitivity reactions can occur.
Over exposure is irritating to the eyes and respiratory system. Excessive concentrations may produce effects on the nervous system including drowsiness. In extreme cases, loss of consciousness may result. Long term exposure to vapor concentrations may result in adverse health effects.
Prolonged contact with the skin may lead to skin irritation and in some cases, dermatitis.
Splashes entering the eye will cause discomfort and possible damage.
Any spraying should preferably be carried out in ventilated booths which incorporate facilities for removing vapors and spray droplets from the breathing zone.
Wear appropriate gloves, eye and respiratory protection.
May be flammable when undiluted.
Vapors may be given off from coolant antifreeze when heated. Avoid breathing these vapors.
Antifreeze may be absorbed through the skin in toxic or harmful quantities. Antifreeze, if swallowed, can be fatal; SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Battery Acids
See also Alkalis and Acids.
Gases released during battery charging are explosive. Always remove the battery from the vehicle prior to charging. Never use naked flames or allow sparks near charging or recently charged batteries. NEVER add acid to a battery, the chemical reaction produced will be violent and explosive. In cases of eye contact, wash affected area with copious amounts of water and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Make sure there is adequate ventilation during battery charging, observe NO SMOKING POLICY.
Brake Pads and Linings
Always fit the correct grade and specification of brake pads and linings. When renewing pads and linings, always replace as complete axle sets.
Brake and Clutch Fluid
Splashes to the skin and eyes are irritating and in the long term can be damaging, avoid prolonged skin contact. In cases of eye contact, wash affected area with copious amounts of water and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Chemical Materials
All chemical materials should always be used with caution and stored and handled with care. They may be toxic, harmful, corrosive, irritant or highly flammable and give rise to hazardous fumes and dusts.
The effects of excessive exposure to chemicals may be immediate or delayed; briefly experienced or permanent; cumulative; superficial; life threatening; or may reduce life expectancy.
Chemical Materials - Do's
- Do carefully read and observe hazard and precaution warnings given on material containers (labels) and in any accompanying leaflets, posters or other instructions. Material health and safety data sheets can be obtained from manufacturers.
- Do remove chemical materials from the skin and clothing as soon as practicable after soiling. Change heavily soiled clothing and have it cleaned.
- Do organize work practices and protective clothing to avoid soiling of the skin and eyes.
- Do avoid breathing vapors, aerosols, dusts or fumes; inadequate container labelling; fire and explosion hazards.
- Do wash before job breaks, before eating, smoking, drinking or using toilet facilities when handling chemical materials.
- Do keep work areas clean, uncluttered and free of spills.
- Do store chemical materials according to national and local regulations.
- Do keep chemical materials out of the reach of children.
Chemical Materials - Do Not
- Do Not mix chemical materials except under the manufacturers instructions; some chemicals can form other toxic or harmful chemicals, give off toxic or harmful fumes or become explosive when mixed together.
- Do Not spray chemical materials, particularly those based on solvents, in confined spaces, for example when people are inside a vehicle.
- Do Not apply heat or flame to chemical materials except under the manufacturers instructions. Some are highly flammable and some may release toxic or harmful fumes.
- Do Not leave containers open. Fumes given off can build up to toxic, harmful or explosive concentrations. Some fumes are heavier than air and will accumulate in confined areas such as pits.
- Do Not transfer chemical materials to unlabeled containers.
- Do Not clean hands or clothing with chemicals. Chemicals, particularly solvents and fuels, will dry skin and may cause irritation leading to dermatitis or be absorbed through the skin in toxic or harmful quantities.
- Do Not use emptied containers for other materials except when they have been cleaned under supervised conditions.
- Do Not sniff or smell chemical materials, even brief exposure to high concentrations of fumes can be toxic or harmful.
Corrosion Protection Materials
Some corrosion protection materials are highly flammable - observe NO SMOKING POLICY.
These materials are varied and the manufacturers instructions must always be followed. The materials may contain solvents, resins or petroleum products. Skin and eye contact should be avoided. They should only be sprayed in conditions of adequate ventilation and not in confined spaces.
Dust or powder produced during repair operations may be irritant, harmful or toxic. Avoid breathing dusts from powdery chemical materials or those arising from dry abrasion operations. Wear respiratory protection if ventilation is inadequate.
Fine dusts of combustible material can present an explosion hazard. Avoid explosive limits and sources of ignition.
Electrical Equipment
Electric shock can result from the use of faulty electrical equipment or from the misuse of equipment in good condition.
Make sure that electrical equipment is maintained in good condition and frequently tested. Faulty equipment should be labelled and preferably removed from the work station.
Make sure that flexes, cables, plugs and sockets are not frayed, kinked, cut, cracked or otherwise damaged. If using cable reel extension equipment, ALWAYS ensure that the cable is fully unwound from the reel.
Make sure that electrical equipment and flexes do not come into contact with water.
Make sure that electrical equipment is protected by the correct rated fuse.
Never misuse electrical equipment and never use equipment which is in any way faulty. The results could be fatal.
Make sure that the cables of mobile electrical equipment cannot get trapped and damaged, such as in a vehicle hoist.
Make sure that the designated electrical workers are trained in basic First Aid.
In cases of electrocution:
- Switch off the power supply before approaching the victim.
- If this is not possible, DO NOT TOUCH THE VICTIM but push or drag the person from the source of electricity using dry, non-conductive material.
- Commence resuscitation if trained to do so.
Exhaust Fumes
These contain asphyxiating, harmful and toxic chemicals and particles such as carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, aldehydes, lead and aromatic hydrocarbons. Engines should be run only under conditions of adequate exhaust extraction or general ventilation and not in confined spaces.
Gasoline (Petrol) engine
There may not be adequate warning of odor or of irritation before toxic or harmful effects arise. These may be immediate or delayed.
Gas Oil (Diesel engine)
Soot, discomfort and irritation usually give adequate warning of hazardous fume concentrations.
Fibre Insulation
The fibrous nature of surfaces and cut edges can cause skin irritation. This is usually a physical and not a chemical effect.
Precautions should be taken to avoid excessive skin contact through careful organization of work practices and the use of gloves.
Many of the materials found on or associated with the repair of vehicles are highly flammable. Some give off toxic or harmful fumes if burnt; others such as fluoroelastomers when burnt or damaged by excessive heat can break down and produce highly corrosive hydrofluoric acid - See Fluoroelastomers.
Should any material be in a burnt or overheated condition, handle with extreme caution and wear protective clothing when handling such items. Dispose of such material in accordance with local regulations.
Decontaminate and dispose of protective clothing immediately after use.
Observe strict fire safety when storing and handling flammable materials or solvents, particularly near electrical equipment or welding processes.
Make sure, before using electrical or welding equipment, that there is no fire hazard present.
Have a suitable fire extinguisher available when using welding or heating equipment.
First Aid
Apart from meeting any legal requirements it is desirable for someone in the workshop to be trained in First Aid procedures.
Splashes in the eye should be flushed carefully with clean water for at least ten minutes.
Soiled skin should be washed with soap and water.
In case of cold burns, from alternative fuels, place affected area in cool to cold water.
Individuals affected by inhalation of gases and fumes should be removed to fresh air immediately. If effects persist, consult a doctor.
If liquids are swallowed inadvertently, consult a doctor giving him the information on the container or label. Do not induce vomiting unless this action is indicated on the label.
Fluoroelastomers (Synthetic Rubber)
Many 'O' rings, seals, hoses, flexible pipes and other similar which appear to be manufactured from natural rubber are, in fact, made of synthetic materials called Fluoroelastomers.
Under normal operating conditions, these materials are safe and do not constitute a health hazard. However, if the materials are damaged by burning or exposure to excessive heat, they can break down and produce highly corrosive hydrofluoric acid.
WARNING: Contact with hydrofluoric acid can cause serious burns on contact with the skin. If skin contact does occur, carry out the following steps immediately:
Remove any contaminated clothing.
Irrigate affected area of skin with copious amounts of cold water or limewater for 15 to 60 minutes.
Foams - Polyurethane
Used in sound and noise insulation. Cured foams used in seat and trim cushioning.
Unreacted components are irritating and may be harmful to the skin and eyes. Wear gloves and goggles.
Individuals with chronic respiratory diseases, asthma, bronchial medical problems, or histories of allergic diseases should not work in or near uncured materials.
The components, vapors or spray mists can cause direct irritation, sensitivity reactions and may be toxic or harmful.
Vapors and spray mists must not be inhaled. These materials must be applied with adequate ventilation and respiratory protection. Do not remove the respirator immediately after spraying, wait until the vapor/mists have cleared.
Burning of the uncured components and the cured foams can generate toxic and harmful fumes. Smoking, naked flames or the use of electrical equipment during foaming operations and until vapors/mists have cleared should not be allowed. Any heat cutting of cured foams or partially cured foams should be carried out in areas having suitable fume extraction equipment.
Avoid skin contact with fuel where possible. Should contact occur, wash the affected skin with soap and water.
Gasoline (Petrol)
Swallowing gasoline (petrol) can result in mouth and throat irritation and absorption from the stomach can result in drowsiness and unconsciousness. Small amounts can be fatal to children. Inhalation into the lungs, through vomiting, is a very serious hazard.
Gasoline (petrol) dries the skin and can cause irritation and prolonged or repeated contact may cause dermatitis; if it is allowed to enter the eyes, it will cause severe smarting. Wash affected area with copious amounts of water and SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Gasoline (petrol) may contain appreciable quantities of benzene, which is toxic upon inhalation and the concentration of vapors must be kept very low. High concentrations will cause eye, nose and throat irritation, nausea, headache, depression and symptoms of drunkenness. Very high concentrations will result in rapid loss of consciousness.
Make sure there is adequate ventilation when handling and using gasoline (petrol). Great care must be taken to avoid the serious consequences of inhalation in the event of vapor build up arising from spillages in confined spaces.
Special precautions apply to cleaning and maintenance operations on gasoline (petrol) storage tanks.
Gasoline (petrol) should not be used as a cleaning agent. It must not be siphoned by mouth.
Gas-oil (Diesel Fuel)
Prolonged skin contact with high boiling point gas oils (diesel fuel) may cause serious skin disorders including skin cancer.
Inhalation into the lungs will cause internal bleeding - SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting - SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Kerosene (Paraffin)
Used also as heating fuel, solvent and cleaning agent.
Irritation of the mouth and throat may result from swallowing. The main hazard from swallowing arises if liquid aspiration into the lungs occurs.
Liquid contact dries the skin and can cause irritation or dermatitis. Splashes in the eye may be slightly irritating.
In normal circumstances the low volatility does not give rise to harmful vapors. Exposure to mists and vapors from kerosene at elevated temperature should be avoided (mists may arise in dewaxing). Avoid skin and eye contact and make sure there is adequate ventilation.
If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting - SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION.
Gas Cylinders
Gases such as oxygen, acetylene, argon and propane are normally stored in cylinders at pressures of up to 138 bar (13800 kPa) (2000 lbf/in2) and great care should be taken in handling these cylinders to avoid mechanical damage to them or to the valve gear attached. The contents of each cylinder should be clearly identified by appropriate markings.
Cylinders should be stored in well ventilated enclosures, and protected from ice and snow or direct sunlight. Fuel gases, for example acetylene and propane should not be stored in close proximity to oxygen cylinders.
Care should be exercised to prevent leaks from gas cylinders and lines and also to avoid sources of ignition.
Only trained personnel should undertake work involving gas cylinders.