Trailer Hitch: Service and Repair
Tow Bar Mounting Check
Special Service Tools
Tow Bar Gauge
1 Pre test: Check the detachable tow bar locking pin is moving freely without sticking.
2 Insert the tow bar into the chassis following the owners handbook instruction.
CAUTION: The special tool must be flat against the tow bar ball before taking measurements.
Hold the special tool JLR-501-201 against the tow bar as shown, failure to follow this instruction may result in an incorrect measurement.
CAUTION: Make sure the special tool is mounted flush to the tow ball.
Note the position of the tow bar release handle.
Install the special tool as shown.
5 Check the position of the tow bar release handle against the special tool, and observe the following:
- If the tow bar release handle points to the red area of the special tool, go to Step 6.
- If the tow bar release handle points outside of the red area of the special tool, then the tow bar mounting is correct and no further action is required.
6 Install a new tow bar and check the tow bar mounting following Steps 3 - 5.
- If the tow bar release handle points to the red area of the special tool, install a new rear crossmember. For additional information, refer to Rear Crossmember