Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Using Wiring Diagrams

Using Wiring Diagrams

Health And Safety
Always follow health and safety guidelines, specifically the Electrical Precautions provided within this product.

The information provided within this product is for use only by competent, qualified auto-electricians. Good product knowledge is assumed, as well as the ability to access and use recommended test equipment and other reference material provided.

Test equipment and other reference material
The information within this product should be used in conjunction with the recommended test equipment. Other reference material includes: Electrical Circuit Diagrams, Technical Service Bulletins (TSB).

Battery disconnection and reconnection
It is imperative that any information relating to battery disconnection and reconnection is followed.

Fault diagnosis
Always use the recommended test equipment and test procedures for correct and reliable fault diagnosis.

NOTE: Before starting electrical checks on the vehicle, ensure that relevant mechanical functions operate satisfactorily.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Wire colour codes
The following list contains wire colour codes used on the vehicle harnesses.

Code Colour
BK or B Black
GN or G Green
PK or K Pink
LG Light green
BN or N Brown
OG or O Orange
VT or P Purple
RD or R Red
GY or S Grey (Slate)
T Transparent
BU or U Blue
WH or W White
YE or Y Yellow

Connector number suffix
To provide more accurate connector information, in some instances, a suffix has been added to the connector that identifies the vehicle harness derivative; refer to the Connector number suffix table below.

NOTE: The suffix does not always appear on the circuit. Take care to use the correct circuits appropriate to the vehicle under scrutiny.

Connector number suffix table

Connector details
A page is dedicated to each connector, with the information presented in a standard format. Connector information comprises:
- Connector Number - The assigned number, prefixed 'C'.
- Description - Usually derived from the component to which the connection is made.
- Location - Used in conjunction with the photograph to determine the location of the connector.

NOTE: References to the LH or RH side given in this document are made when viewing the vehicle from the rear.

- Photograph - Shows the location of the subject connector. In most cases the photograph will indicate the amount of trim removal necessary to reveal the connector. For convenience, some photographs identify more than one connector.
- Face View - An outline of the connector housing, viewed from the front, showing pin numbers (if applicable).
- Part No. - The part number as it appears on the harness drawing (if applicable).
- Colour - If applicable, the colour of the connector housing is shown. NATURAL is used to describe connectors with a clear/translucent plastic finish.
- Gender - If applicable, identifies the gender of the connector pins (NOT the housing) as Male or Female. Generally, connectors mating directly into a component have Female pins.
- Type - Generic connector group.
- No. of Ways - Identifies the number of cavities within the connector.
- Service Repair Kits (where applicable) - Gives details of all harness repair kits applicable to the connector. If a connector has different types of cavity, more than one service repair kit will be required.
- Wire Chart (Pin-out table) - A six column table, giving details of each wire within the connector:
1. Cav: The connector pin (cavity) number.

NOTE: Wires may not be fitted to all cavities.

2. Terminal: Part number of the pin.

NOTE: Some wires do not have terminals, for example: antennae.

3. CSA: The cross sectional area of the wire in mm2.
4. Col: The colour of wire populating the connector pin.
5. Cct: Identifies the model or option which uses the wire. 'ALL' means applicable to all models in the range fitted with the feature or system in question. In instances where different models, features or systems require different colour wires to be fitted in a cavity, each instance of the cavity is included in the pin-out table.
6. Destn: The destination of the wire.

Sample wire chart - 6 pin connector