Pinpoint Tests
Pinpoint Test
PINPOINT TEST G1226425p1 : Single door will not open from the outside (but opens from the inside)
G1226425t1 : Check the exterior door release cable to exterior door handle is installed correctly
1 Remove the door trim panel as necessary. For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
2 Check the exterior door release cable is correctly installed to the exterior door handle.
- Is the cable correctly installed?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t2.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t2 : Check the exterior door handle release connection to the door latch
1 Is the exterior door handle release connection to the door latch installed correctly.
- Is the exterior door handle release cable installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t3.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t3 : Check the door latch for correct operation using the exterior door handle
1 With the door open, use a suitable screwdriver to latch the door latch and pull the exterior door handle to confirm door latch release.
- Does the door latch release?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t4.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
G1226425t4 : Check full operation of the door after hard closing
1 Make sure that the door opens, closes, locks and unlocks as per normal operation after a hard door closing. Repeat this process 5 times.
- Does the door operate correctly?
Test the system for normal operation.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
PINPOINT TEST G1226425p2 : Single Door Will Not Open From The Inside (but opens from the outside)
G1226425t5 : Check the interior door release cable to interior door handle is installed correctly
1 Make sure the child lock is disengaged as necessary.
2 Remove the door trim panel as necessary. For additional information, refer to Front Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
For additional information, refer to Rear Door Trim Panel Service and Repair
3 Check the interior door release cable is correctly installed to the interior door handle.
- Is the cable correctly installed?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t6.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t6 : Check the interior door handle release connection to the door latch
1 Is the interior door handle release connection to the door latch installed correctly?
- Is the interior door handle release cable installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t7.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t7 : Check the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damage
1 Check the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damage.
- Is the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damaged?
Install a new door latch as necessary.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t8.
G1226425t8 : Check the door latch for correct operation using the interior door handle
1 With the door open, use a suitable screwdriver to latch the door latch and pull the interior door handle to confirm door latch release.
- Does the door latch release?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t9.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
G1226425t9 : Check full operation of the door after hard closing
1 Make sure that the door opens, closes, locks and unlocks as per normal operation after a hard door closing. Repeat this process 5 times.
- Does the door operate correctly?
Test the system for normal operation.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
PINPOINT TEST G1226425p3 : Single door will not lock
G1226425t10 : Check the locking button operation
1 Check if the door latch locks/unlocks by activating the locking button.
- Does the door lock and unlock?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t11.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t14.
G1226425t11 : Check the door latch electrical connector is correctly installed
1 Make sure that the door latch electrical connector is installed correctly.
- Is the electrical connector installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t12.
Install the door latch electrical connector. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t12 : Check the door latch electrical connector terminals for damage
1 Disconnect the door latch electrical connector.
2 Check the door latch electrical connector and door latch terminals for damage or corrosion.
- Are the terminals damaged or corroded?
Repair the electrical connector as necessary. Test the system for normal operation. If the terminals on the door latch are damaged, install a new door latch as necessary.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t13.
G1226425t13 : Check the voltage to the door latch
1 Check for voltage at the door latch electrical connector.
- Is the voltage greater than 10 volts?
Install a new door latch as necessary.
Repair the wiring harness. Test the system for normal operation. If the concern continues, install a new door latch as necessary.
G1226425t14 : Check the interior door handle release connection to the door latch
1 Is the interior door handle release cable to the door latch installed correctly?
- Is the interior door handle release cable installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t15.
Connect the door release cable correctly. If the cable is damaged, install a new door release cable. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t15 : Check the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damage
1 Check the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damage.
- Is the door latch cable plastic retaining clip/housing for damaged?
Install a new door latch as necessary.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t16.
G1226425t16 : Check the door latch for correct operation using the interior door handle
1 With the door open, use a suitable screwdriver to latch the door latch and activate the locking button to confirm the door latch has locked.
- Does the door latch lock?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t17.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
G1226425t17 : Check full operation of the door after hard closing
1 Make sure that the door opens, closes, locks and unlocks as per normal operation after a hard door closing. Repeat this process 5 times.
- Does the door operate correctly?
Test the system for normal operation.
Install a new door latch as necessary.
PINPOINT TEST G1226425p4 : Door ajar warning message illuminated on instrument cluster
G1226425t18 : Check the door latch electrical connector is correctly installed
1 Make sure that the door latch electrical connector is installed correctly.
- Is the electrical connector installed correctly?
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t19.
Install the door latch electrical connector. Test the system for normal operation.
G1226425t19 : Check the door latch electrical connector terminals for damage
1 Disconnect the door latch electrical connector.
2 Check the door latch electrical connector and door latch terminals for damage or corrosion.
- Are the terminals damaged or corroded?
Repair the electrical connector as necessary. Test the system for normal operation. If the terminals on the door latch are damaged, install a new door latch as necessary.
GO to Pinpoint Test G1226425t20.
G1226425t20 : Check full operation of the door after hard closing
1 Connect the door latch electrical connector.
2 Make sure that the door opens, closes, locks and unlocks as per normal operation after a hard door closing. Repeat this process 5 times.
- Does the door operate correctly?
Test the system for normal operation.
Install a new door latch as necessary.