Fluid Drain & Refill Procedures
On A540E transaxles, use ATF DEXRON II fluid and on A540H units, use ATF Type T or equivalent fluid.
1. Drain transaxle fluid, then using tool No. SST09043-38100 or equivalent, reinstall drain plug and new gasket.
2. Add fluid through filler tube. Do not overfill.
3. On A540E units, drain and refill capacity is 2.6 US quarts.
4. On A540H units, drain and refill capacity is 3.5 US quarts.
5. On all models, start engine, move shift lever through all positions, ensuring smooth operation.
6. Allow engine to idle, then check fluid level, add up to COOL level.
7. Once fluid temperature reaches 158-176°F, recheck fluid level.