1. Install crankshaft timing pulley.
(a) Align the pulley set key with the key groove of the timing pulley.
(b) Slide on the timing pulley, facing the flange side inward.
2. Install No.1 idler pulley.
(a) Apply adhesive to two or three threads of the mount bolt end.
Adhesive: Part No.08833-00080 THREE BOND 1344, LOCTITE 242 or equivalent
(b) Using a 8 mm hexagon wrench, install the idler pulley with the plate washer and bolt. Torque the bolt.
Torque: 350 kg-cm (25 ft-lb, 34 N.m)
(c) Check that the pulley bracket moves smoothly.
3. Temporarily install timing belt.
NOTICE: The engine should be cold.
(a) Remove any oil or water on the crankshaft timing, No.1 idler and water pump pulleys, and keep them clean.
(b) Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the drilled mark of the crankshaft timing pulley.
(c) Install the timing belt on the crankshaft timing, No.1 idler and water pump pulleys.
4. Install timing belt guide.
Install the belt guide, facing the cup side outward.
5. Install No.1 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the gasket to the timing belt cover.
(b) Install the timing belt cover with the four bolts.
6. Install crankshaft pulley.
(a) Align the pulley set key with the key groove of the pulley, and slide the pulley.
(b) Using SST, install and torque the bolt. SST 09213-54014 (Body), 09213-70010 (90105-08076 (Bolt)) and 09330-00021
Torque: 2,500 kg-cm (181 ft-lb, 245 N.m)
7. Install No.2 idler pulley.
(a) Install the idler pulley with the bolt. Torque the bolt.
Torque: 400 kg-cm (29 ft-lb, 39 N.m)
(b) Check that the idler pulley moves smoothly.
8. Install LH camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Slide the timing pulley, facing the flange side outward.
(b) Align the knock pin hole of the camshaft with the knock pin groove of the timing pulley, and install the knock pin.
(c) Using SST, install and torque the bolt. SST 09278-54012
Torque: 1,100 kg-cm (80 ft-lb, 108 N.m)
9. Set No.1 cylinder to TDC/Compression.
(a) (Crankshaft Position)
Turn the crankshaft pulley, and align its groove with the "0" timing mark of the No.1 timing belt cover.
(b) (RH Camshaft Pulley Position)
Turn the camshaft, align the knock pin hole of the camshaft with the timing mark of the No.3 timing belt cover.
(c) (LH Camshaft Pulley Position)
Turn the camshaft timing pulley, align the timing marks of the camshaft timing pulley and No.3 timing belt cover.
10. Install timing belt to LH camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Check that the installation mark on the timing belt matches the end of the No.1 timing belt cover.
If the installation mark do not align, shift the meshing of the timing belt and crankshaft timing pulley until they align.
(b) Remove any oil or water on the LH camshaft timing pulley, and keep it clean.
(c) Using SST, slightly turn the LH camshaft timing pulley clockwise. Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the timing mark of the camshaft timing pulley, and hang the timing belt on the LH camshaft timing pulley. SST 09278-54012
(d) Using SST, align the timing marks of the LH camshaft pulley and No.3 timing belt cover. SST 09278-54012
(e) Check that the timing belt has tension between the crankshaft timing and LH camshaft timing pulleys.
11. Install RH camshaft timing pulley and timing belt.
(a) Remove any oil or water on the RH camshaft timing and No.2 idler pulleys, and keep them clean.
(b) Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the timing mark of the RH camshaft timing pulley.
(c) Hang the timing belt on the RH camshaft timing pulley, facing the flange side inward.
(d) Align the timing marks of the RH camshaft timing pulley and No.3 timing belt cover.
(e) Slide the RH camshaft timing pulley on the camshaft.
(f) Using SST, align the knock pin hole of the camshaft with the knock pin groove of the pulley and install the knock pin. SST 09278-54012
(g) Using SST, install and torque the bolt. SST 09249-63010 and 09278-54012
Torque: 760 kg-cm (55 ft-lb, 75 N.m)
HINT: Use a torque wrench with a fulcrum length of 340 mm (13.39 in.).
12. Set timing belt tensioner.
(a) Place a plate washer between the tensioner and a block.
(b) Using a press, slowly press in the push rod using 100 - 1,000 kg (220 - 2,205 lb, 981 - 9,807 N) of pressure.
(c) Align the holes of the push rod and housing, pass a 1.27 mm hexagon wrench through the holes to keep the setting position of the push rod.
(d) Release the press.
(e) Install the dust boot to the tensioner.
13. Install timing belt tensioner.
(a) Install the tensioner with the two bolts.
Torque: 270 kg-cm (20 ft-lb, 26 N.m)
(b) Remove the 1.27 mm hexagon wrench from the tensioner.
14. Check valve timing.
(a) Turn the crankshaft pulley two revolutions from TDC to TDC.
HINT: Always turn the crankshaft clockwise.
(b) Check that each pulley aligns with the timing marks as shown in the figure.
If the marks do not align, remove the timing belt and reinstall it.
15. Install engine RH mounting bracket.
Install the mounting bracket with the three bolt.
Torque: 410 kg-cm (30 ft-lb, 39 N.m)
16. Install No.2 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the gasket to the timing belt cover.
(b) Install the timing belt cover with the eight bolts.
HINT: Use the bolts indicated by A, B and C.
17. Install spark plugs.
Torque: 180 kg-cm (13 ft-lb, 18 N.m)
18. Install air intake chamber.
19. Install RH engine mounting insulator.
(a) Attach the mounting insulator to the mounting bracket and body, temporarily install the mounting insulator four nuts, bolt the mounting stay bolt (A).
(b) Torque the mounting insulator with four nuts and bolt. Do not torque the mounting stay bolt (A) yet.
Torque: Bolt 650 kg-cm (47 ft-lb, 64 N.m)
To bracket 530 kg-cm (38 ft-lb, 52 N.m)
To body 900 kg-cm (65 ft-lb, 88 N.m)
(c) Install the two clamp bolts of the PS oil cooler pipes.
20. Lower engine.
21. Install RH engine mounting stays.
(a) Install the No.1 mounting stay with the three bolts. Torque the bolts.
Torque: 530 kg-cm (38 ft-lb, 52 N.m)
(b) Install the No.2 mounting stay with the bolt and nut. Torque the bolt and nut.
Bolt 670 kg-cm (48 ft-lb, 66 N.m)
Nut 530 kg-cm (38 ft-lb. 52 N.m)
22. Install PS pump drive belt.
Adjust the drive belt.
Drive belt tension:
New belt 125 ± 20 lb
Used belt 80 ± 25 lb
23. Install alternator drive belt.
Adjust the drive belt.
Drive belt tension:
New belt 175 ± 5 lb
Used belt 115 ± 20 lb
24. Install RH front fender apron seal.
25. Install RH front wheel.
26. Install PS oil reservoir tank.
27. Install cruise control actuator.
28. Install suspension upper brace.
29. Connect cable to negative terminal of battery.