1. Disconnect cable from negative terminal of battery.
CAUTION: Work must be started after approx. 20 seconds or longer from the time the ignition switch is turned to the "LOCK" position and the negative (-) terminal cable is disconnected from the battery.
2. Remove suspension upper brace.
3. Remove cruise control actuator.
4. Remove PS oil reservoir tank without disconnecting hoses.
5. Remove RH front wheel.
6. Remove alternator drive belt.
7. Remove RH fender apron seal.
8. Remove PS drive belt.
9. Remove RH engine mounting stays.
(a) Remove the three bolts and No.1 mounting stay.
(b) Remove the bolt, nut and No.2 mounting stay.
10. Slightly jack up engine.
Raise the engine enough to remove the weight from the engine mounting on the right side.
11. Remove RH engine mounting insulator.
(a) Remove the clamp bolts of the PS oil cooler pipes.
(b) Remove the four nuts, bolt and mounting insulator.
12. Remove air intake chamber.
13. Remove spark plugs.
14. Remove No.2 timing belt cover.
Remove the eight bolts, timing belt cover and gasket.
15. Remove engine RH mounting bracket.
Remove the three bolts and mounting bracket.
16. If re-using timing belt, check installation marks on timing belt.
Check that there are four installation marks on the liming belt by turning the crankshaft pulley as shown in the illustration.
If the installation marks have disappeared, place a new installation mark on the timing belt before removing each part.
17. Set No.1 cylinder to TDC/Compression.
(a) Turn the crankshaft pulley and align its groove with the timing mark "0" of the No.1 timing belt cover.
(b) Check that timing marks of the camshaft timing pulleys and No.3 timing belt cover are aligned.
If not, turn the crankshaft one revolution (360°).
18. Remove timing belt tensioner.
Remove the two bolts, tensioner and dust boot.
19. Remove timing belt from camshaft timing pulley.
HINT (Re-using timing belt): If the installation marks have disappeared, before removing the timing belt, place new installation marks on the timing belt to match the timing marks of the camshaft timing pulleys.
(a) Using SST, loosen the tension between the LH and RH camshaft timing pulleys by slightly turning the RH camshaft timing pulley clockwise. SST 09278-54012
(b) Remove the timing belt from the camshaft timing pulleys.
HINT (Re-using timing belt): If the installation marks have disappeared, after removing the timing belt from the camshaft timing pulleys, place new installation mark on the timing belt to match the end of the No.1 timing belt cover.
20. Remove camshaft timing pulleys.
Using SST, remove the bolt, timing pulley and knock pin. Remove the two timing pulleys. SST RH 09249-63010 and 09278-54012 LH 09278-54012
HINT: Arrange the RH and LH pulleys.
21. Remove No.2 idler pulley.
Remove the bolt and idler pulley.
22. Remove crankshaft pulley.
(a) Using SST, remove the pulley bolt. SST 09213-54014 (Body), 90213-70010 (90105-08076 (Bolt)) and 09330-00021
HINT (Re-using timing belt): When the crankshaft pulley bolt is loosened, the position of the timing mark of the crankshaft pulley and also the installation mark may slip, so check and align them again.
(b) Using SST, remove the pulley. SST 09213-60017
23. Remove No.1 timing belt cover.
Remove the four bolts, timing belt cover and gasket.
24. Remove timing belt guide.
25. Remove timing belt.
HINT (Re-using timing belt) : If the installation marks have disappeared, place a new installation mark on the timing belt to match the drilled mark of the crankshaft timing pulley.
26. Remove No.1 idler pulley.
Using a 8 mm hexagon wrench, remove the bolt, idler pulley and plate washer.
27. Remove crankshaft timing pulley.
If the pulley cannot be removed by hand, use two screwdrivers.
HINT: Position shop rags as shown to prevent damage.