1. Install crankshaft timing pulley.
(a) Align the pulley set key on the crankshaft with the key groove of the timing pulley.
(b) Using SST 09223-46011, and a hammer, tap in the timing pulley, facing the flange side rearward.
2. Install No.1 idler pulley.
(a) Apply adhesive to 2 or 3 threads of the pulley bolt end.
Adhesive: Part No. 08833-00080, THREE BOND 1344, LOCTITE 242 or equivalent.
(b) Using an 8 mm hexagon wrench, install the plate washer and idler pulley with the pulley bolt. Torque the pulley bolt.
Torque: 350 (25, 34 Nm).
(c) Check that the idler pulley bracket moves smoothly.
3. Install No.2 idler pulley.
(a) Install the idler pulley with the pulley bolt. Torque the pulley bolt.
Torque: 350 (25, 34 Nm).
(b) Check that the idler pulley moves smoothly.
4. Temporarily install timing belt.
NOTICE: The engine should be cold.
(a) Using the crankshaft pulley bolt, turn the crankshaft and align the timing marks of the crankshaft timing pulley and oil pump body.
(b) Remove any oil or water on the crankshaft timing pulley, No.1 idler pulley and No.2 idler pulley, and keep them clean.
(c) Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the drilled mark of the crankshaft timing pulley.
(d) Install the timing belt on the crankshaft timing pulley, No.1 idler pulley and No.2 idler pulley.
5. Install timing belt guide (No.1 crank angle sensor plate).
Install the belt guide, facing the cup side forward.
6. Install timing belt cover spacer.
(a) Install the gasket to the spacer.
(b) Install the spacer.
7. Install No.1 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the gasket to the timing belt cover.
(b) Install the timing belt cover with the 4 bolts.
8. Install fan bracket.
Install the fan bracket with the 2 bolts and 2 nuts.
12 mm head 160 (12, 16 Nm).
Others 310 (22, 30 Nm).
HINT: Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.
Bolt length:
A 106 mm (4.17 in.) for 12 mm head.
B 114 mm (4.49 in.) for 14 mm head.
9. Install crankshaft pulley.
(a) Align the pulley set key on the crankshaft with the key groove of the pulley.
(b) Using SST 09223-46011, and a hammer tap in the pulley.
(C) Using SST 09213-70010 and 09330-00021, install and torque the pulley bolt.
Torque: 2,500 (181, 245 Nm).
10. Install RT camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Align the knock pin on the camshaft with the knock pin groove of the timing pulley.
(b) Slide the timing pulley, facing the "RH" mark forward.
(c) Using SST 09278-54012, install and torque the pulley bolt.
Torque: 1,100 (80, 108 Nm).
11. Install LH camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Align the knock pin on the camshaft with the knock pin groove of the timing pulley.
(b) Slide the timing pulley, facing the "LH" mark forward.
(c) Using SST 09278-54012, install and torque the pulley bolt.
Torque: 1,100 (80, 108 Nm).
12. Set No.1 cylinder to TDC/compression.
(a) (Crankshaft pulley position)
Turn the crankshaft pulley, and align its groove with the "0" timing mark of the No.1 timing belt cover.
(b) (Camshaft timing pulley positions)
Using SST 09278-54012, turn the camshaft timing pulley, and align the timing marks of the camshaft timing pulley and timing belt rear plate.
13. Install timing belt to LH camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Check that the installation mark on the timing belt matches the end of the fan bracket.
(b) Remove any oil or water on the LH camshaft pulley and keep it clean.
(c) Using SST 09278-54012, slightly turn the LH camshaft timing pulley clockwise. Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the timing mark of the camshaft timing pulley, and hang the timing belt on the LH camshaft timing pulley.
(d) Using SST 09278-54012, align the timing marks of the LH camshaft pulley and timing belt rear plate.
(e) Check that the timing belt has tension between the crankshaft timing pulley and LH camshaft timing pulley.
14. Install timing belt to RH camshaft timing pulley.
(a) Remove any oil or water on the RH camshaft pulley and keep it clean.
(b) Using SST 09278-54012, slightly turn the RH camshaft timing pulley clockwise. Align the installation mark on the timing belt with the timing mark of the camshaft timing pulley, and hang the timing belt on the RH camshaft timing pulley.
(c) Using SST 09278-54012, align the timing marks of the RH camshaft pulley and timing belt rear plate.
(d) Check that the timing belt has tension between the timing RH camshaft timing pulley and LH camshaft timing pulley.
15. Set timing belt tensioner.
(a) Using a press, slowly press in the push rod using 100-1,000 kg. (220-2,205 lb., 981-9,807 Nm) of pressure.
(b) Align the holes of the push rod and housing, pass a 1.27 mm hexagon wrench through the holes to keep the setting position of the push rod.
(c) Release the press.
(d) Install the dust boot to the tensioner.
16. Install timing belt tensioner.
(a) Temporarily install the tensioner with the 2 bolts.
(b) Alternately tighten the 2 bolts.
Torque: 270 (20, 26 Nm).
(c) Using pliers, remove the 1.27mm hexagon wrench from the tensioner.
17. Check valve timing.
(a) Turn the crankshaft pulley 2 revolutions from TDC to TDC.
N0TICE: Always turn the crankshaft clockwise.
(b) Check that each pulley aligns with the timing marks as shown in the illustration. If the marks do not align remove the timing belt and reinstal it.
18. Install spark plugs.
Torque: 180 (13, 18 Nm).
19. Install drive belt tensioner.
Install the tensioner with the bolt and 2 nuts.
Torque: 160 (12, 16 Nm).
HINT: Use bolt 106 mm (4.17 in.) in length.
20. Install alternator.
(a) Install the alternator and engine wire bracket with the bolt and nut.
Bolt 360 (26, 35 Nm).
Nut 380 (27, 37 Nm).
(b) Connect the alternator connector and wire.
21. Install RH distributor housing.
(a) Install the distributor housing with the 3 bolts.
Torque: 185 (13, 18 Nm).
- The RH distributor is marked with " R."
- Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.
Bolt length: A 38 mm (1.50 in.).
B 96 mm (3.78 in.).
(b) Connect the crank position sensor connector to the engine wire.
(c) Install the crank position sensor connector to the ignition coil bracket.
22. Install LH distributor housing.
(a) Install the distributor housing with the 3 bolts.
Torque: 185 (13, 18 Nm).
- The LH distributor is marked with " L."
- Each bolt length is indicated in the illustration.
Bolt length: A 38 mm (1.50 in.).
B 80 mm (3.15 in.).
23. Install distributor rotors.
(a) Align the protrusion of the distributor rotor with the groove of the camshaft timing pulley.
(b) Install the distributor rotor with the 2 bolts. Install the 2 distributor rotors.
Torque: 39 (34, 3.8 Nm).
24. Install distributor caps.
Install the distributor cap with the 3 bolts. Install the 2 distributor caps.
25. Install RH No.2 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the 2 rubber caps to the distributor cap.
(b) Install the 4 gaskets to the timing belt cover.
(c) Install the connector grommet to the timing belt cover.
(d) Install the timing belt cover with the 5 bolts.
10 mm head bolt 80 (69, 7.8 Nm).
12 mm head bolt 160 (12, 16 Nm).
HINT: (12 mm head bolt) Use bolts 106 mm (4.17 in.) in length.
(e) Connect the crank position sensor connector.
26. Install LH No.2 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the 2 rubber caps to the distributor cap.
(b) Run the crank position sensor wire through the timing belt cover hole, and install the 2 gaskets to the timing belt cover.
(c) Install the connector grommet to the timing belt cover.
(d) Install the timing belt cover with the 2 bolts.
(e) Connect the crank position sensor connector.
27. Install water by-pass pipe.
(a) Connect the water by-pass hose to the water inlet housing.
(b) Install the water by-pass pipe with the 2 bolts.
(c) Install the wire and connector to the water by-pass pipe.
(d) Connect the water by-pass hose (from reservoir tank) to the water by-pass pipe.
28. Install LH ignition coil.
(a) Install the ignition coil with the 2 bolts.
(b) Connect the ignition coil connector.
29. Install drive belt idler pulley.
Install the idler pulley and cover plate with the pulley bolt.
Torque: 380 (27, 37 Nm).
30. Install high tension cords.
(a) Install the 10 high tension cords.
(b) (Ignition Coil Side) Install the cord holder to the ignition coil.
(c) Install the 5 cord clamps to the high tension cord.
(d) Install the 5 cord clamps to the lower high tension cord cover.
31. Install RH No.3 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the 3 gaskets to the timing belt cover.
(b) Install the timing belt cover with the 4 bolts.
32. Install LH No.3 timing belt cover.
(a) Install the 3 gaskets to the timing belt cover.
(b) Install the cord grommet to the high tension cord.
(c) Install the cord grommet to the timing belt cover, and install the timing belt cover with the 4 bolts.
(d) Connect the vacuum hose to the EVAP BVSV.
33. Install RH engine wire cover.
Install the wire cover with the bolt.
34. Install LH engine wire cover.
(a) Connect the wire cover to the 2 wire brackets, and place the wire cover in position.
(b) Set the EVAP BVSV vacuum hose and fuel pressure VSV wire in original position.
(c) Install the wire cover with the 3 bolts.
35. Install upper high tension cord cover.
(a) Fit the portion of the upper cover matching the top of the lower cover.
(b) Fit the front side claw groove of the upper cover to the claw of the lower cover.
(c) Install the cord cover with the 2 bolts.
36. Install PS pump.
37. Install A/C compressor.
38. Install intake air connect pipe.
39. Install throttle body cover.
40. Install air cleaner.
41. Install radiator.
42. Install fan pulley, fluid coupler, fan and drive belt.
43. Install engine under cover.
44. Install battery.
45. Install air duct and dust covers.
46. Connect cable to negative terminal of battery.
47. Fill with engine coolant.
48. Check ignition timing.
Ignition timing:
8-12° BTDC @ idle (w/Terminal TE1 and E1 connected).