Ignition Timing: Adjustments
Note: Ignition timing is electronically controlled with no provision for adjustment. This procedure is for inspection only. If timing is not within specification, refer to COMPUTERS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS and check throttle position sensor adjustment.
Installing Jumper Wire:
- Start engine and idle.
- Using a suitable jumper wire, short check connector terminals TE1 and E1 together.
Checking Ignition Timing:
- Connect inductive timing light to ignition wire #6 [1]
- Inspect ignition timing.
Should be 8 - 12° BTDC @ idle
- Remove jumper wire from check connector.
[1] Cylinder #6 compression stroke TDC occurs 360° of rotation after that of #1. For timing purposes #6 fires at the same point of crankshaft rotation. Ignition wire layout makes it more practical to use cylinder #6 for timing inspection. If wire covers and timing covers are already removed, cylinder #1 may be used as well.