Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
Fig. 10 External Cylinder Head Component Locations:
Fig. 11 Internal Cylinder Head Component Locations:
Refer to Figs. 10 and 11 when replacing cylinder head.
1. Drain engine coolant.
2. Remove spark plugs, distributor and spark plug wires.
3. Remove water pump pulley and radiator.
4. Disconnect timing belt from camshaft pulleys as described under TIMING BELT.
5. Remove No. 2 front exhaust pipe and exhaust manifolds.
Fig. 12 Removing Water By-pass Outlet & No. 1 Water By-pass Pipe:
6. Remove water by-pass outlet and No. 1 by-pass hose, Fig. 12.
7. Remove water outlet and No. 1 by-pass hose.
8. Remove vacuum control valve set and No. 2 vacuum pipe.
9. Remove engine oil dipstick guide and transmission oil dipstick guide, if equipped.
10. Remove air intake chamber, fuel delivery pipe, injectors and fuel pipes.
11. Disconnect water temperature sensor, water temperature sender gauge, knock sensors, oil pressure switch, oil level sensor and A/C compressor connectors.
12. Remove intake manifold and No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 cylinder head covers and gaskets.
Fig. 13 Removing Camshaft Timing Pulleys:
Fig. 14 Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolt Loosening Sequence:
Fig. 15 Cylinder Head Bolt Loosening Sequence:
13. Hold hexagon portion of camshaft with a wrench and remove pulley mount bolt and camshaft pulley, Fig. 13.
14. Remove No. 4 timing belt cover, then remove both front camshaft bearing caps and seals.
15. Uniformly loosen and remove bearing cap bolts in several passes in order shown in Fig. 14, then remove bearing caps and both camshafts.
16. Using a 10 mm bi-hexagon wrench, uniformly loosen and remove head bolts in several passes in order shown in Fig. 15, then remove cylinder head.
Fig. 16 Cylinder Head Bolt Torque Sequence:
Fig. 17 Aligning Camshafts For Installation:
Fig. 18 Applying Seal Packing To Front Camshaft Bearing Caps:
Fig. 19 Camshaft Bearing Cap Bolt Torque Sequence:
17. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Follow cylinder head tightening sequence, Fig. 16.
c. When installing camshafts, line up knock pins as shown in, Fig. 17.
d. Apply seal packing to both front bearing caps, Fig. 18.
e. Torque camshaft bearing cap bolts to 14 ft. lbs. in sequence shown in Fig. 19.
f. Install new camshaft seals using seal installer 09316-60010 or equivalent.
Fig. 20 Retorquing Camshaft Bearing Caps (first Step):
Fig. 21 Retorquing Camshaft Bearing Caps (second Step):
Fig. 22 Retorquing Camshaft Bearing Caps (third Step):
g. Rotate camshafts until knock pins are as shown in Fig. 20, then loosen and torque bearing caps shown to 14. ft lbs.
h. Rotate camshafts until knock pins are as shown in Fig. 21, then loosen and torque bearing caps shown to 14 ft. lbs.
i. Rotate camshafts until knock pins are as shown in Fig. 22, then loosen and torque bearing caps shown to 14 ft. lbs.
j. Check and adjust valve clearance as described under ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE/VALVES.
k. Fill cooling system.
l. Adjust timing.
m. Rearm airbag system as previously described.