Engine: Service and Repair
Fig. 1 Engine Mount Locations:
1. On models with coded audio anti-theft systems, refer to Technician Safety Information for code procedures. On models with air bag system, disarm airbag system as outlined under Technician Safety Information.
2. Remove hood.
3. Remove dust covers, air duct and battery.
4. Remove engine undercover.
5. Remove oil pan protector.
6. Drain engine oil and coolant.
7. Remove drive belt, fan fluid coupling and fan pulley, Fig. 1.
8. Remove radiator as outlined under Radiator, Service and Repair.
9. Remove air cleaner assembly, then the igniter cover. Disconnect igniter and noise filter connectors.
10. Remove throttle cable cover and disconnect accelerator and cruise cables, Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 Engine Replacement:
11. Remove intake air connecting pipe.
12. Remove power steering pump, leaving hoses attached.
13. Remove radiator reservoir tank.
14. Unfasten A/C compressor and position aside, leaving refrigerant lines attached.
15. Disconnect the following hoses:
a. Two water bypass hoses.
b. Two fuel hoses.
c. Vacuum hose for brake booster from intake.
d. Air conditioner control valve vacuum hoses.
e. Vacuum hose from EVAP BVSV.
16. Remove relay box cover, then disconnect connectors and wires.
17. Remove cruise actuator cover.
18. Remove the following components:
a. Undercover.
b. Lower finish panel and engine ECT ECU, Fig. 5.
Fig. 5 Engine Wire Harness Passenger Compartment Access:
c. Glove compartment door, light and box.
d. ABS ECU, then the heater air duct.
19. Disconnect the following connectors:
a. Three engine ECT ECU connectors.
b. Circuit opening relay connector.
c. Instrument panel wire connector.
20. Remove two bolts and pull out engine wire from cowl panel, Fig. 6.
Fig. 6 Engine Wire Harness Removal:
21. Disconnect power steering cooler pipe.
22. Remove engine wire from wire bracket on front suspension crossmember.
23. Remove steering dampener.
24. Remove front exhaust pipe, then the main catalytic converters.
25. Remove exhaust pipe heat insulator, then the center floor crossmember braces.
26. Remove propeller shafts.
27. Disconnect transmission control rod.
28. Remove engine and transmission assembly from vehicle as follows:
a. Attach engine hoist to engine hangers.
b. Remove nuts holding front engine mounting insulators, Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Engine Mount Removal:
c. Remove bolts holding rear mounting insulators.
d. Lift engine and transmission out of vehicle slowly and carefully. Place engine and transmission on a stand.
29. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Replace fluids, then check levels and leaks.
b. Check ignition timing.
30. If audio system was disabled, activate as outlined under Technician Safety Information. On models with air bag system, rearm airbag system as outlined under Technician Safety Information.