Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Removal and Inspection



1. Remove battery and battery tray

CAUTION: Work must be started after 90 seconds from the time the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK position and the negative (-) terminal cable is disconnected from the battery.

2. Remove engine under cover
3. Drain engine coolant
4. Remove drive belt. fan with fluid coupling and water pump pulley

(a) Loosen the 4 nuts holding the fluid coupling to the water pump.

(b) Loosen the drive belt tension by turning the drive belt tensioner clockwise, and remove the drive belt.

(c) Remove the 4 nuts, fluid coupling and water pump pulley.

5. Remove radiator
(a) Disconnect the following hoses:
(1) Reservoir hose from radiator
(2) Upper radiator hose from water inlet
(3) Lower radiator hose from water outlet
(4) A/T: 2 oil cooler hose from radiator. Plug the hose ends.

(b) Remove the 2 bolts, screw and upper radiator support. Remove the 2 upper radiator supports.
(c) Lift out the radiator with the hoses.

6. Remove no.3 and no.2 timing belt covers

(a) Remove the oil filler cap.
(b) Using a 5 mm hexagon wrench, remove the 9 bolts, No.3, No.2 timing bell covers and gasket.

7. remove drive belt tensioner
Remove the 3 bolts and tensioner.

8. Set no.1 cylinder to tdc/compression

(a) Turn the crankshaft pulley and align its groove with timing mark "O" of the No.1 timing belt cover.

NOTE: Always turn the crankshaft clockwise.

(b) Check that the timing marks of the camshaft timing, pulleys are aligned with the timing marks of the No.4 timing belt cover. If not, turn the crankshaft 1 revolution (360°).

9. Remove timing belt from camshaft timing pulleys

HINT: If re-using timing belt:

- Place matchmarks on the timing belt and camshaft timing pulleys as shown in the illustration.

(a) Alternately loosen the 2 bolts, and remove them, the tensioner and dust boot

(b) Disconnect the timing belt from the camshaft timing pulleys

10. Remove camshaft timing pulleys
Using SST, remove the bolt for the timing pulley. Remove both timing pulleys. SST 09960-10010 (09962-01000)

11. Remove crankshaft pulley

(a) Using SST to hold the crankshaft pulley, loosen the pulley mounting bolt. SST 09213-70010,09330-00021
(b) Remove SST and pulley bolt.

(c) Using SST, remove the pulley. SST 09950-50010

12. Remove ps pump front bracket
Remove the 3 bolts, plate washer and pump front bracket.

13. Remove no.1 timing belt cover
Remove the 5 bolts, timing belt cover and gasket

14. Remove timing belt guide

15. Remove timing belt

HINT: If re-using timing belt:

- Draw an arrow on the timing belt in the direction of engine revolution, and place matchmarks on the timing belt and crankshaft timing pulley

16. Remove idler pulley
Using a 10 mm hexagon wrench, remove the pivot bolt, plate washer and idler pulley.

17. Remove crankshaft timing pulley
If the pulley cannot be removed by hand, use SST to remove the crankshaft timing pulley. SST 09950-50010


1. Inspect timing belt

- Do not bend, twist or turn the timing belt inside out.

- Do not allow the timing belt to come into contact with oil, water or steam.
- Do not utilize timing belt tension when installing or removing the mount bolt of the camshaft timing pulley.

If there are any defects, as shown in the illustrations, check the following points.

(a) Premature parting
- Check for proper installation.
- Check the timing cover gasket for damage and proper installation.

(b) If the belt teeth are cracked or damaged, check to see if either camshaft is locked.

(c) If there is noticeable wear or cracks on the belt face, check to see if there are nicks on the side of the idler pulley lock.

(d) If there is wear or damage on only one side of the belt, check the belt guide and the alignment of each pulley.

(e) If there is noticeable wear on the belt teeth, check timing cover for damage and check to correct gasket installation and for foreign material on the pulley teeth.

If necessary, replace the timing belt.

2. Inspect idler pulley
Check the turning smoothness of the idler pulley. If necessary, replace the idler pulley.

3. Inspect drive belt tensioner
Check the turning smoothness of the tensioner. If necessary, replace the tensioner.

4. Inspect timing belt tensioner

(a) Visually check tensioner for oil leakage.

HINT: If there is only the faintest trace of oil on the seal on the push rod side, the tensioner is all right. If leakage is found, replace tensioner.

(b) Hold the tensioner with both hands and push the push rod strongly against the floor or wall to check that it doesn't move. If the push rod moves, replace the tensioner.

(c) Measure the protrusion of the push rod from the housing end.

Protrusion: 8.0 - 8.8 mm (0.315 - 0.346 in.)

If the protrusion is not as specified, replace the tensioner.