Wheel Stud / Lug Nut: Service and Repair
REMOVAL1. On LS400 models with air suspension, move height control switch in luggage compartment to Off position, Fig. 15.
Fig. 15 Air Suspension On/Off Switch:
2. On all models, raise and support vehicle, then remove wheel and tire assembly.
3. Remove caliper and brake rotor.
4. Using puller tool No. 09628-0.0011, or equivalent, remove hub lug bolt,
Fig. 16.
Fig. 16 Lug Bolt Removal:
1. Install washer and nut to hub bolt, then pull bolt into place by tightening the nut, Fig. 17.
Fig. 17 Lug Bolt Installation:
2. Install brake disc and caliper, then wheel and tire assembly and tighten to specification.
3. On models with air suspension, move height control switch in luggage compartment to On position, Fig. 15.