Cigarette Lighter - Service
All Models
April 10, 1998
When receiving customer complaints to repair the lighter or lighter socket, please carefully investigate the cause of the failure to prevent further occurrences. If the customer uses the wrong size lighter element or power accessory plug, damage may occur to the lighter socket. When applicable, instruct the customer to replace the lighter element with original equipment components or to use an appropriate sized accessory plug. Dimensional information included within this document will instruct you on component specifications.
Service Procedure
1. Determine if the lighter is original equipment by using the specifications shown.
a. If the vehicle has a non-genuine lighter element, it has the possibility to cause a short circuit between the lighter element and the lighter socket, which can result in an open fuse.
b. A non-genuine lighter element may cause a rattle or bend the socket bimetal contacts.
c. If a non-genuine lighter element is being used, advise the customer to use an original equipment element.
2. If the lighter element is original equipment and the lighter socket is bent or pulled out of the dash, please ask the customer about the accessory plug being used in the lighter socket.
a. The specifications in the drawing provide the maximum recommended size of accessory plug. If the customer is using an accessory plug larger than recommended, please advise the customer to use a plug of appropriate size.
b. Using a power plug larger than the given dimensions may damage the lighter socket.
c. If the vehicle has a power point socket, advise the customer to use this socket instead of the lighter socket.
Affected Vehicles
^ All models, all model years
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