Ignition System: Testing and Inspection
(a) Remove the No.3 timing belt covers.
(b) Disconnect the high-tension cords (from the ignition coils) from the distributor caps.
NOTICE: Pulling on or bending the cords may damage the conductor inside.
(c) Hold the end about 12.5 mm (0.50 in.) from the body ground.
(d) Check if spark occurs while engine is being cranked.
NOTICE: To prevent excess fuel being injected from the injectors during this test, do not crank the engine for more than 5 - 10 seconds at a time. If a spark does not occur. do the test as follows:
(e) Reconnect the high-tension cords to the distributor caps.
NOTICE: Install the high-tension cord by pressing on the correct place as shown In the Illustration. If not done this way, the high-tension cord will Interfere with the camshaft timing pulley.
(f) Reinstall the No.3 timing belt covers.