1. Remove rear wheel.
Remove the wheel and temporarily fasten the disc with the hub nuts.
2. Inspect pad lining thickness.
Check the pad thickness through the caliper inspection hole and replace pads if the thickness is not within the specification.
Minimum thickness: 1.0 mm (0.039 inch)
3. Remove anti-squeal spring and pad guide pin.
a. Pushing "A" portion to the direction shown by an arrow by hand, pull out the "B" portion to the direction shown by the other arrow.
- Do not deform the anti-squeal spring.
- The anti-squeal spring can be used again provided that they have sufficient rebound, no-deformation, cracks or wear, and have had all rust, dirt and foreign particles cleaned off.
b. Remove the pad guide pin.
4. Remove pads and anti-squeal shims.
a. Remove the 2 pads.
b. Remove the 2 anti-squeal shims from each pad.
5. Check disc thickness and runout.
6. Install new pads.
NOTICE: When replacing worn pads, the anti-squeal shims must be replaced together with the pads.
a. Apply disc brake grease to both sides of inner anti-squeal shims.
b. Install the 2 anti-squeal shims on each pad.
HINT: Make sure the arrows on the inner anti-squeal shims facing to the direction of disc rotation as shown in the illustration.
c. Draw out a small amount of brake fluid from the reservoir.
d. Press in the pistons with a monkey wrench handle or equivalent.
HINT: Tape the monkey wrench handle before use. If the piston is difficult to push in, loosen the bleeder plug and push in the piston while letting some brake fluid escape.
e. Install the 2 pads.
7. Install pad guide pin and anti-squeal spring.
a. Install the pad guide pin.
b. Install the anti-squeal spring.
- Ensure that the claw of the anti-squeal spring is raised up on the caliper securely.
- Ensure that there is no gap between the pad guide pin and anti-squeal spring.
- Ensure that "A" and "B" portions of anti-squeal spring are attached to the pad.
8. Install front wheel.