Headlamp: Service and Repair
REPLACE HEADLIGHTa. Replace the headlight.
b. Put the vehicle in below conditions.
- Make sure the body around the headlight is not deformed.
- Park the vehicle on a level spot.
- The driver gets into the driver's seat and puts the vehicle in a state ready for driving (with a full tank).
- Bounce the vehicle several times.
c. Prepare the thick white colored paper.
d. Stand the paper perpendicularly and ensure the distance from it to the head lights is 9.84 ft.
e. Ensure that the center line of vehicle and the paper are at a 90 degree angle as shown in the illustration.
f. Engine running.
g. Draw a horizontal line on the paper where the head lights of the vehicle are to be.
h. Draw a vertical line on the paper where the center line of the vehicle is to be. (V line)
i. Turn the head lights ON.
j. Check that the head lights light up the paper as shown in the illustration.
k. When the paper is not lighted up properly, adjust the lights in the vertical or horizontal direction.
HINT:As shown in the illustration, adjust aiming of the LH and RH lights respectively.
I. Adjust headlight in vertical alignment.
1. Turn the vertical movement adjusting bolt "A" in either direction. At this time, keep the turning direction and number of turns in mind.
2. Turn the vertical movement adjusting bolt "A" the same number of turns and in the same direction step (1).