Canada - Vehicle - Replacement VIN Plates And Compliance Lables
Issue Date
Year Range
1990 ~
Effective January 1, 2002, replacement VIN plates (riveted to the front left side of the dashboard) and Compliance Labels (affixed to driver's door or doorpost "B" pillar) will be available from TCI. An administration fee of $50.00 per VIN plate and $20.00 per Compliance Label will be debited to the Dealer's Parts Account.
Requests for replacement VIN plates and/or Compliance Labels must meet one of the following criterion:
- The original VIN plate or Compliance label is incorrect. (The incorrect VIN plate or compliance label must accompany the request.)
- The original VIN plate or Compliance label has been damaged or is attached to a part that will be replaced as a result of a vehicle accident. (The plate or label, to be replaced, must accompany the request.)
- The original VIN plate or Compliance label has been stolen or removed by the police. (Be sure to contact the Police first). When requesting a new plate or label to replace a stolen one, a copy of the police or insurance company report must be included with the request.
Aluminum Compliance Plates Are No Longer Available as Replacements:
Prior to 1989-model year the compliance plate was aluminum. For 1989-model year and later production, this plate has been replaced with a vinyl label. If an aluminum plate requires replacement, a vinyl label containing information from this plate will be supplied as a replacement.
In order for a request to be processed the Service Manager must sign and submit the "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form (Attachment B).
By signing the request form the Service Manager agrees to provide TCI with evidence that the plate and/or label has been installed on the appropriate vehicle.
Once the "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form (Attachment B) has been received TCI will process the application, create the replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label, and returned ship via registered courier to the dealership, attention to the Service Manager. TCI will then debit the applicable charges to the Dealer Parts Account.
Unsigned or incomplete forms will be returned to the dealer and the request for replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label will not be processed.
After installation of the replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label the Service Manager must sign and submit the completed "Proof of Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label Installation" form (Attachment C), attach photographs documenting the installation and return to TCI.
- If TCI does not receive evidence of installation after 30 days from the date the replacement VIN Plate or Compliance Label had been issued a $50.00 penalty charge will be debited to the Dealer's Parts Account.
- If you have any questions or require further information please contact your Consultant, Parts & Service Operations representative.
Attached, for your reference:
- Sample "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form. (Attachment A)
- Blank "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form. (Attachment B)
- Blank " Proof of Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label Installation" form. (Attachment C)
1. Make a copy of the appropriate blank "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form;
2. Fill-in all correct information as requested on the form(s);
3. Photocopy the completed "Request For Replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label" form for your dealer customer file;
4. Mail one copy of the completed and signed request form(s) along with all necessary enclosures to the address indicated on the form(s);
5. Receive/ verify correct replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label;
6. Affix replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label to appropriate vehicle;
7. Make a copy of the "Proof of Replacement VIN Plate/ Compliance Label Installation" blank form(s);
8. Fill-in all correct information as requested on the form(s);
9. Photocopy the completed "Proof of Replacement VIN Plate/ Compliance Label Installation" form for your dealer customer file; and,
10. Mail one copy of the "Proof of Replacement VIN Plate/ Compliance Label Installation" form to TCI along with all necessary enclosures attention to:
Specialist, Regulatory Affairs
Corporate Affairs
Toyota Canada Inc.
One Toyota Place
Scarborough, Ontario
M1H 1H9
Receive and log request for replacement;
Verify information from form and cross reference with vehicle database;
Produce replacement VIN Plate/Compliance Label;
Return replacement VIN/Compliance Label to requesting dealer *; and,
File all requests and documentation.
* VIN Plate/Compliance Labels will be returned attention to the Service Manager via registered courier with proof of delivery signature required.
Issue of this Technical Service Bulletin is to ensure that proper repair information is available. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIR. Normal provisions of the formal warranty policy, as applicable, will apply.