Sunroof / Moonroof: Description and Operation
SYSTEM OUTLINEIn this system, the HALL IC in the moon roof control relay detects changes in the motor rotation to allow opening/closing and tilting up/down of the moon roof using one touch operation. Additionally, catching prevention mechanism during moon roof operation is also provided.
Voltage is always applied from the POWER fuse to TERMINAL 4 of the moon roof control relay. When the ignition SW is turned to ON, the voltage is applied from the GAUGE fuse to TERMINAL 3 of the moon roof control relay.
When the moon roof control SW is pressed to OPEN position (The limit SW No.1 is off and limit SW No.2 is on), the signal is input from TERMINAL B of the moon roof control SW to TERMINAL 2 of the moon roof control relay. This activates the relay and rotates the motor to open the moon roof. After that, when the limit SW No.1 is turned on, and then turned off again, the pulse signal sent from the HALL IC activates the relay, and it determines that the moon roof is fully opened, and stops the motor rotation. If other operation SW or open SW is operated while the moon roof is being opened, the relay is activated to stop the moon roof operation. Additionally, when the moon roof is tilted up, the slide open operation does not function.
When the moon roof control SW is pressed to CLOSE position the limit SW No.1 is off and limit SW No.2 is off), the signal is input from TERMINAL 6 of the moon roof control SW to TERMINAL 5 of the moon roof control relay. This activates the relay and rotates the motor to automatically close the moon roof. After that, when the limit SW No.2 is turned on, the pulse signal sent from the HALL IC activates the relay, and it determines that the moon roof is fully closed, and stops the motor rotation. If other operation SW or close SW is operated while the moon roof is being closed, the relay is activated to stop the moon roof operation.
When the moon roof control SW is pressed to TILT UP position (The limit SW No.1 is off and limit SW No.2 is on), the signal is input from TERMINAL 6 of the moon roof control SW to TERMINAL 5 of the moon roof control relay. This activates the relay and rotates the motor to automatically tilt up the moon roof. If the pulse signal sent from the HALL IC is not input when the moon roof is fully tilted up, the relay determines that the motor has stopped, and stops the current flowing into the motor.
If other operation SW or tilt up SW is operated while the moon roof is being tilted up, the relay is activated to stop the moon roof operation. Additionally, when the moon roof is open, the tilt up operation does not function.
When the moon roof control SW is pressed to TILT DOWN position (The limit SW No.1 is on and limit SW No.2 is on), the signal is input from TERMINAL 8 of the moon roof control SW to TERMINAL 2 of the moon roof control relay. This activates the relay and rotates the motor to automatically tilt down the moon roof. When the limit SW No.1 is turned off, the pulse signal sent from the HALL IC activates the relay, and it determines that the moon roof is fully closed, and stops the motor rotation.
If other operation SW or tilt down SW is operated while the moon roof is being tilted down, the relay is activated to stop the moon roof operation.
If the moon roof control relay detects a catching load from changes in the motor rotation during slide close or tilt down operation, the operation is stopped, and then the motor is rotated in the reverse direction.
Slide close operation
The moon roof is moved approximately 200 mm in the reverse direction (Slide open) after a catching load has been detected. However, if the full open position is detected before moving approximately 200 mm completely, the reverse movement is stopped.
Tilt down operation
If a catching load is detected during tilt down operation, the moon roof is fully tilted up.
With the ignition SW turned from on to off, integration relay operates and current flows from the DOOR fuse to TERMINAL (A) 1 of the relay to TERMINAL (A) 3 to TERMINAL 10 of the moon roof control relay for about 43 seconds, the same as normal operation. As a result, for about 43 seconds after the ignition SW is turned off, the functioning of this relay makes it possible to open and close the moon roof. Also, by opening the front door (Door courtesy SW on) within about 43 seconds after turning the ignition SW to oft, a signal is input to TERMINALS 6 or (A) 6 of the integration relay. As a result, the relay turns off and open close movement of the moon roof stops.
When the ignition key is inserted into the driver or passenger door key cylinder and kept turned to the lock or unlock position for approximately 1.5 sec. or longer, the slide open or close operation.
If the moon roof is operated continuously in the same operating direction, the current flowing into the motor is cut off when the time shown below has elapsed after the motor operation has been started.
Slide open/close operation with the moon roof control SW Approximately 20 sec.
Tilt up/down operation with the moon roof control SW Approximately 2 sec.
Slide open operation for reverse movement in case of activation of the catching prevention function Approximately 20 sec.
Tilt open operation for reverse movement in case of activation of the catching prevention function Approximately 2 sec.