A/T - Torque Converter Bolt Installation Precautions
L-SB-0007-11February 17, 2011
Torque Converter Bolt Installation
Service Category
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
The purpose of this TSIB is to provide information regarding the installation of the correct torque converter bolts during automatic transmission/transaxle assembly replacement. Incorrect torque converter bolts or missing washers can cause damage to the torque converter assembly. Use the information in this bulletin when installing an automatic transmission/transaxle assembly.
Not all applications will use washers on the torque converter bolts.
Warranty Information
Installation Procedure
^ When removing torque converter bolts and washers take special care that the same bolts and washers are used when installing the torque converter.
^ Using an incorrect size bolt or washer may cause damage to the torque converter assembly.
^ Torque the bolts to the specification found in the applicable Repair Manual.
In most applications there will be 1 black torque converter bolt, be sure to install this bolt first to aid in aligning the torque converter to the flywheel assembly.