A/T, M/T - Alignment Pin Service Precaution
L-SB-0026-08May 8, 2008
Alignment Pin Installation during Transmission/Transaxle Assembly Installation
Service Category
Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
The purpose of this TSIB is to provide information regarding the installation of alignment pins during transmission/transaxle assembly installation. Missing alignment pins may result in incorrect alignment and failure of the transmission/transaxle assembly. Use the information below when installing a transmission/transaxle assembly.
Parts Information
Warranty Information
Repair Procedure
1. Inspect the rear side of the engine block assembly for 2 alignment pins.
^ If there are less than 2 alignment pins present one may have been removed with the transmission/transaxle assembly. Check the removed assembly for the missing alignment pins. Go to step 2.
^ If there are 2 alignment pins present the transmission/transaxle assembly may be installed following the applicable Repair Manual procedure.
A missing alignment pin may result in failure of the transmission/transaxle assembly.
2. Install the missing alignment pin(s).
^ Refer to the applicable Repair Manual procedure for location of the cylinder block rear side alignment pins.
In the Repair Manual, the alignment pin is referred to as a "straight pin."