Canada - Entertainment/Navigation System - Jukebox Update
Issue Date
June 28, 2007
'07- '09 LS460; '08-'09 LS600h, LX 570
- January 28, 2010: Applicability has been updated to include 2008 - 2009 model year LX 570 and 2009 model year LS 460/600h vehicles.
- Version verification section has been updated.
- Vehicle Load section has been updated.
Previous versions of this TSB should be discarded. Be sure to review the entire content of this service bulletin before proceeding.
Lexus models equipped with a Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Navigation System contain a jukebox feature that allows up to 2000 audio recordings to be transferred from their original CD media to the HDD on-board the vehicle. Detailed information about the audio recordings is attached to each track at the time of transfer. When each audio track is presented on the touch screen informational details including Genre, Artist, Album, and Title are presented. This detailed track information is stored on the HDD in the Compact Disc Database or CDDB.
The quarterly CDDB update disc will be distributed to Dealers via Dealer Mail, please ensure that your Dealership staff are advised of it's pending arrival. The CDDB disc can be uploaded to the vehicle using the Navigation Update Tool and Navigation Program Installer software. CDDB data only needs to be loaded onto the Navigation Update Tool once per quarterly release. Vehicle CDDB updates are performed using the Navigation Update Tool.
Follow the procedures listed in this bulletin to:
- Determine the current version of the CDDB data on the vehicle and installed on the Navigation Update Tool.
- Load the latest CDDB data onto the Navigation Update Tool.
- Connect the Navigation Update Tool to the vehicle and update the vehicle to the latest release.
- Update the CDDB data for any audio tracks transferred to the vehicle for which CDDB data was not previously available.
- For additional details, refer to the Navigation Update Tool Operator's Manual on E-TAS > TOOLS > diagnostic tester > Software and Updates.
- For additional information on applicable reimbursements, please refer to WAB2033.
- In order to perform the procedures outlined in this TSB, you MUST have completed the setup procedure in TSB2438, "HDD Navigation Program Setup".
- Before performing this procedure, disconnect all other USB peripheral and external storage devices (i.e., USB thumb drives, hard drives, cameras, mice, etc.).
- For additional details, refer to the "Navigation Update Tool Operating Manual" on ETAS (under Diagnostic / Telematics tabs, "Reference Documents)".
Before performing a CDDB update, confirm that the Navigation Update Tool and/or the vehicle's Navigation System are NOT up-to-date.
Checking for current CDDB Version on Navigation Update Tool:
1. Open the Navigation Programs Installer.
- When properly installed, the Navigation Programs Installer icon will be found on the ETAS Techstream desktop.
- If the application is NOT properly installed, refer to TSB2438, "HDD Navigation Program Setup".
2. Click Version Check on the "Navigation Update Tool Main Menu".
3. Connect the Navigation Update Tool and press Continue.
A. Make sure the USB cable is secured in both the PC and the Navigation Update Tool USB ports.
B. Confirm that the Navigation Update Tool is powered correctly.
C. Turn power ON.
D. Press Continue.
4. Compare the CDDB version with the CDDB version shown on the disc.
- If the CDDB version on the Navigation Update Tool is the same as shown on disc, then go to the "Vehicle Load" section in this TSB.
- If the CDDB version on the Navigation Update Tool is NOT the same as shown on disc, then go to the "Tool Load" section in this TSB.
Check CDDB version on Vehicle HDD Navigation System:
1. Turn vehicle ignition ON (engine OFF).
2. From the multi-information display, press I Agree.
3. Press the MENU button.
4. From the multi-information display, press HDD Data.
5. Compare the CDDB version on the Navigation System to that on the Navigation Update Tool.
- If the CDDB version on the vehicle is the same as shown on the Navigation Update Tool, then the vehicle does NOT need the update.
- If the CDDB version on the vehicle is NOT the same as shown on the Navigation Update Tool, then go to the "Vehicle Load" section in this TSB.
Loading CDDB Data onto Navigation Update Tool
There are two separate processes used to update the CDDB data on the vehicle:
- Loading the CDDB data onto the Navigation Update Tool
- Loading the CDDB data into the vehicle HDD Navigation
If the CDDB version on the Navigation Update Tool is the same as shown on the disc, then go to the "Vehicle Load" section in this TSB.
If the CDDB version on the Navigation Update Tool is NOT the same as shown on the disc, then follow the instructions below.
- In order to perform the following procedure, the PC being used MUST be in Administrator Mode. Software will NOT complete CDDB download if this is not met.
- Before performing this procedure, disconnect all other USB peripheral and external storage devices (i.e., USB thumb drives, hard drives, cameras, mice, etc.).
1. Insert CDDB disc into PC
2. Select "Load CDDB Data" from main menu screen of Navigation Program Installer
3. Click "Browse" and locate CDDB file from disc
Set up the HDD Tool using the "Update Tool Operations Manual" distributed via ETAS/TIS Library.
4. Click "Load" to begin transfer of CDDB data to Connector kit.
The file is large and may take up to 10 minutes to download.
5. Connect the Navigation Update Tool and press Continue.
A. Make sure the USB cable is secured in both the PC and the Navigation Update Tool USB ports.
B. Confirm that the Navigation Update Tool is powered correctly.
C. Turn the power ON.
D. Press Continue.
CDDB Data will decompress before it is copied onto the Navigation Update Tool.
6. Verify the correct version of CDDB data to load onto the Navigation Update Tool.
7. Click Continue to load CDDB data onto Navigation Update Tool.
CDDB data will then copy to the Navigation Update Tool (requires about 5 minutes).
8. Verify the CDDB data is loaded onto the Navigation Update Tool and can now be used to update the vehicle.
Loading CDDB data onto vehicle HDD Navigation System
- Prior to connecting to the vehicle, you MUST disconnect the navigation update tool from the PC.
- Connect the battery charger to the vehicle prior to beginning process to ensure constant battery voltage.
1. Connect the Navigation Update Tool to vehicle.
A. Make sure the IEEE1394 cable is secured in both the Navigation Update Tool and the vehicle connector.
B. Confirm the Navigation Update Tool is powered correctly.
C. Turn power ON.
2. Turn vehicle ignition ON (engine off).
3. From the multi-information display, press I Agree.
4. Press MENU button.
5. Press HDD Data.
6. Press CDDB Update.
7. Press I Agree.
8. Allow CDDB data to copy (requires about 5 minutes).
9. Press OK.
10. Disconnect the Navigation Update tool from the vehicle.
Updating Music Data AFTER CDDB Data Installation
After a successful CDDB update, some albums may still display without the updated information. These albums will need to be manually updated using the following procedure.
1. Press DISC-AUX.
2. Press Album List.
3. Press Manage Albums after selecting desired album to update.
Only albums without a name label need to be updated.
4. Press Edit Current
5. Press Search For Track Info.
Notice that selected album shows up as a Time and a Date.
6. Once the HDD CD Title Confirmation screen appears, press OK.
If album information still displays a time and a date as the album information, then the CD was released after the current data was updated.
7. Allow data to update.
8. Press Back Arrow.
Notice the selected album now has a title.
9. Verify the updated album information is now in the HDD ALBUM list.
Issue of this Technical Service Bulletin is to ensure that proper repair information is available. IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN AUTHORIZATION FOR REPAIR. Normal provisions of the formal warranty policy, as applicable, will apply.