Body - Moonroof Auto-Close Function Inoperative
L-SB-0001-09January 20, 2009
Moon Roof Auto Close Function is Inoperative
Service Category
Vehicle Exterior
The information contained in this TSIB supersedes TSB No. EL01507.
^ The TSIB title has been updated.
^ Applicability has been updated to include applicable 0609 models.
^ Repair Procedure Section has been updated.
TSIB No. EL01507 is Obsolete and any printed versions should be discarded. Be sure to review the entire content of this service bulletin before proceeding.
Some Lexus models may exhibit a condition where the moon roof will not AUTO close (from the tilt or slide position). If either one of these conditions is present, perform the re-initialization procedure in this bulletin.
In the event that a new motor/ECU has been installed, please refer to the repair manual for the correct initialization procedure.
Warranty Information
^ This repair is covered under the Lexus Comprehensive Warranty. This warranty is in effect for 48 months or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first, from the vehicle's in-service date.
^ Warranty application is limited to correction of a problem based upon a customer's specific complaint.
Initialization Procedure
Before performing this initialization procedure:
^ Make sure that there is no foreign matter on the guide rail.
^ Make sure that the guide rails are not deformed.
^ Do NOT switch any electrically powered systems ON and OFF during initialization.
^ If battery voltage fluctuates by 0.5V or more, initialization will fail.
^ Permanent ECU damage will occur if power is disconnected while the moon roof motor is operating.
^ Do NOT move the vehicle during re-initialization.
^ Do NOT apply strong force to the vehicle during the re-initialization, such as closing the door.
Initialization Procedure
Before beginning this procedure, make sure the moon roof is fully closed.
If the moon roof will not close automatically use manual mode to close the moon roof. Quickly press and release the switch until the moon is closed.
1. Switch ON the ignition(IG) by pressing the START/STOP button twice or turn the engine key to IG position.
2. Push and hold the TILT UP switch until the moon roof reaches the full tilt up position, then release the switch.
The tilt up position is the starting point for the moon roof motor to re-learn the positions.
3. Push and hold the TILT UP switch again. After approximately 10 seconds, moon roof will begin the initialization procedure. DO NOT release the switch until the procedure is complete. The moon roof will tilt down, slide open, slide close and stop at the fully closed position. At this point the initialization is complete and the tilt up switch may be released.
If the TILT UP switch is released during the procedure, the buttons may not operate properly. The moon roof will have to be operated manually to start the procedure over again.
4. Confirm that the AUTO operation features work for slide open, slide close, tilt up, and tilt down.