Brake Bleeding: Service and Repair
The Techstream must be used for air bleeding. If it is not used, the air bleeding will be incomplete, which is hazardous and may lead to an accident.
* Perform air bleeding with park (P) selected and the parking brake applied.
* As brake fluid may overflow when bleeding, do not place the fluid can on the reservoir filler opening.
* Perform air bleeding while maintaining the brake fluid level between the MIN/MAX level on the brake fluid reservoir.
* Air bleeding will be difficult if the following occurs:
(1) The brake actuator hose (the hose between the brake booster pump and brake fluid reservoir) is higher than the fluid level and air enters the hose.
(2) During the air bleeding procedure, air enters the brake booster pump while the pump motor is operating.
* While performing air bleeding, the accumulator pressure drop may cause a buzzer to sound. As there is no problem, continue with the operation.
* During air bleeding, DTCs for pressure sensor malfunctions, etc. may be stored. After air bleeding and if instructed in the procedures, clear the DTCs.
* Release the parking brake during the linear valve offset calibration procedure.
* Do not allow brake fluid to adhere to any painted surface such as the vehicle body. If brake fluid leaks onto any painted surface, immediately clean it off.
* When bleeding air, select the suitable work procedure according the table below.
(a) Disengage the 5 claws and 2 guides to remove the center cowl top ventilator louver.
(b) Bleed brake line.
(1) Remove the brake master cylinder reservoir filler cap assembly.
(2) Add brake fluid into the reservoir between MAX and MIN level on the brake fluid reservoir.
Brake fluid:
SAE J1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT3
(3) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3 and turn the power switch on (IG).
(4) Turn the Techstream on and enter the following menus: Chassis / ABS/VSC/TRAC / Air Bleeding.
(5) Select "Usual air bleeding" on the Techstream display, and bleed air from the brake fluid following the instructions on the Techstream.
(6) After air bleeding, tighten each bleeder plug.
front bleeder plug - Torque : 8.3 Nm (85 kgf-cm, 73 in-lbf)
rear bleeder plug - Torque : 11 Nm (112 kgf-cm, 8 ft-lbf)
(7) Clear the DTCs Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
(8) Turn the Techstream off and turn the power switch off.
(c) Inspect for brake fluid leaks.
(d) Install the brake master cylinder reservoir filler cap.
(e) Engage the 5 claws and 2 guides to install the center cowl top ventilator louver.
(a) Remove the outer cowl top panel sub-assembly Removal.
(b) Bleed the brake system.
(1) Wait at least 2 minutes with the power switch off, and disconnect the reservoir level switch connector.
Do not depress the brake pedal or open/close the doors until the reservoir level switch connector is disconnected.
This procedure is not required if the reservoir level switch connector has been disconnected.
(2) Remove the brake master cylinder reservoir filler cap assembly.
(3) Add brake fluid into the reservoir between MAX and MIN level on the brake fluid reservoir.
Brake fluid:
SAE J1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT3
(4) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3 and turn the power switch on (IG).
(5) Turn the Techstream on and enter the following menus: Chassis / ABS/VSC/TRAC / Air Bleeding.
(6) Select "ABS actuator has been replaced" on the Techstream display, and bleed air from the brake fluid following the instructions on the Techstream.
Before following the instructions on the Techstream to perform linear valve offset calibration, release the parking brake. When calibration is complete, immediately apply the parking brake.
(7) After air bleeding, tighten each bleeder plug.
front bleeder plug - Torque : 8.3 Nm (85 kgf-cm, 73 in-lbf)
rear bleeder plug - Torque : 11 Nm (112 kgf-cm, 8 ft-lbf)
stroke simulator bleeder plug - Torque : 8.5 Nm (87 kgf-cm, 75 in-lbf)
The stroke simulator bleeder plug is positioned as shown in the illustration.
Text in Illustration
(8) Clear the DTCs Reading and Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes.
Turn the Techstream off and turn the power switch off.
(c) Install the brake master cylinder reservoir filler cap.
(d) Inspect for brake fluid leaks.
(e) Install the outer cowl top panel sub-assembly Installation.