Vehicle Cold Soak Procedure
To carry out this procedure, proceed as follows:^ Test preparations include matching customer conditions (if known). If not known, document the test conditions: gear selection and engine rpm. Monitor the vibration/noise duration with a watch for up to three minutes.
^ Park the vehicle where testing will occur. The vehicle must remain at or below the concern temperature (if known) for 6-8 hours.
^ Before starting the engine, conduct a visual inspection under the hood.
^ Turn the key on, but do not start the engine. Listen for the fuel pump, Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) and air suspension system noises.
^ Start the engine.
^ Isolate the vibration/noise by carefully listening. Move around the vehicle while listening to find the general location of the vibration/noise. Then, search for a more precise location by using a stethoscope or EngineEAR.
CAUTION: Never probe moving parts.
^ Refer to Idle Noise/Vibration in the Symptom Chart to assist with the diagnosis. Idle Noise/Vibration