Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Diagnosing Wind Noise

Wind noise can consist of AIR LEAKAGE in or out of the vehicle or AIR TURBULENCE over or around the vehicle exterior.

Wind noise due to air leaks are, for the most part, serviceable and should be addressed first for corrective action. Wind noise due to air turbulence may be serviceable if the source of the turbulence is an identifiable mis-positioned exterior component such as a door surround moulding or shed lip seal. However, due to the exterior design of certain vehicles air turbulence cannot be eliminated. For these vehicles, it is important to concentrate efforts on eliminating wind noise due to air leakage.

Wind noise concerns are often misleading. The spot where the noise shows up is not always the location of the trouble. So, do not always rely on the service order, or even the customer, to pinpoint the actual area, Their description of the concern will reflect only where the noise is noticeable, not necessarily where the cause is located.