Cruise Control Servo: Service and Repair
1982---87 With Resume & Actuator Cable Exc. 1984---87 Capri, Continental, Cougar, LTD, Mark VII, Marquis, Mustang & Thunderbird
1. Remove air cleaner assembly.
2. On 1982---83 models, pull retaining clip off actuator cable. On 1984---87 models, remove screw or push-pin and disconnect speed control actuator cable from accelerator cable bracket.
3. Disconnect speed control actuator cable from the accelerator cable.
4. Remove two vacuum hoses and electrical connector from the servo assembly.
5. Remove cable tie around the actuator cable, if equipped.
6. Remove two screws from servo mounting bracket.
7. Carefully remove servo and cable assembly.
8. Remove two fasteners holding cable cover to servo.
9. Pull off cover and remove cable assembly, then remove servo mounting bracket.
10. Reverse procedure to install.