S391 - S500
Splice S391: Headlamp Jumper Harness, Near Take Out To C304
Splice S392: Near Take Out To A/C Clutch
Splice S401: Headlamp Jumper Harness, Near Take Out To C790
Splice S402: Near Take Out To VIP Test Connector
Splice S404: Window Jumper Harness, Near Take Out To Keyless Entry Module
Splice S408: Near Take Out To Keyless Entry Module
Splice S409: Near Take Out To Power Bench Seat Motor
Splice S410: Near Take Out To Radio Power Boost Equalizer Amp
Splice S411: Near Take Out To Rear Seat Speaker
Splice S413: Window Regulator Jumper Harness, Near Take Out To C252
Splice S420: Near Take Out To Radio Power Boost Equalizer Amp
Splice S433: Near Take Out To Battery
Splice S434: Near Take Out To Washer Pump Motor
Splice S500: Dash To Headlamp Jumper Harness, Near Take Out To Battery