Suspension: Adjustments
Fig. 4 Air Suspension Switch & Diagnostic Pigtail Location:
NOTE: This procedure must be performed before checking ride height and/or wheel alignment.
If vehicle is significantly warmer or colder than test area, allow it to warm or cool to surrounding air temperature before performing the following procedure.
1. Position vehicle on alignment rack, turn ignition off, then exit vehicle.
2. Re-enter vehicle and turn ignition to RUN position. Do not start engine.
3. Allow vehicle to level for approximately one minute, then push trunk release to open trunk area.
4. Turn ignition OFF and exit vehicle.
5. Allow vehicle to vent to trim height (approximately 20 seconds), then close all doors and turn off air suspension switch in trunk, Fig. 4.
NOTE: All doors must be closed when adjusting ride height.
Fig. 17 Ride Height ``C'' & ``D'' Dimensions:
Fig. 18 Front Suspension Ride Height Adjustment:
The front suspension ride height or ``C'' dimension, Fig. 17, is adjusted by moving the front left and/or right lower sensor attaching stud to one of the three adjustment positions as shown, Fig. 18. Loosen the attaching screw and adjust up or down as required. Changing the sensor attachment point one position will result in a 0.50 inch change in the ``C'' dimension. The ``C'' dimension should be indicated at 9.24 inches.
Fig. 19 Rear Suspension Ride Height Adjustment:
The rear suspension ride height or ``D'' dimension, Fig. 17, is adjusted by moving the rear sensor attaching bracket up or down in relation to the right rear upper control arm, Fig. 19. Loosen the attaching nut and position up or down as required. A change to the sensor attaching point by one index mark will result in a 0.250 inch change to the ``D'' dimension. The ``D'' dimension should be indicated at 5.06 inches.